Jun 17, 2009 17:10
It has only been in the last year that my true love for those adorable squishies has come to pass. My first rats were two little ladies called Hazel and Ffion (hooded silver fawn and self silver fawn). I got them around September 2007 from....and I'm sorry about this....a pet shop. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but I'm still glad they were part of my life, difficult as they were. I have reached a new appreciation for our little furry friends and thanks to peeps (you know who you are!) I have gained a fountain of knowledge. Sadly the little ladies passed away late last year and early this year, and we had originally planned to get rats to accompany our lonely Hazel face before she died. As we had already made the arrangments we kept ourselves on the list for rats from Warren's Ark and I'm sooooo happy we did! I now have three gorgeous boys called Blake (a beautiful BIG silvered shiny black), Dante (a mummy's boy & cage bitch buff boy) and Hugo (cheeky little agouti chuffer). Love them all to pieces! I am planning on more boys in the future once our current fellas grow up abit, possible around Christmas time. My personal soft spots are for mismarkeds (all marked varieties) and british blues. A combo of the two would make me weep.....
One of my proudest achievements is that I am a fully qualified skydiver...well, was at least. I got into skydiving at university when my new housemates in 2nd year convinced me to join them. I didn't fully get into it until we went on a national university trip to a Seville dropzone. Ourselves and a few other university skydiving clubs went and sent two whole weeks just drinking and jumping (not advisable). On that one trip alone I did over 20 jumps and got myself qualified XD. It is an amazing sensation and I would encourage everyone to jump at least once. At no point in your entire life will you feel so free. No cares. No worries. Awesome.... You'd fly (fall) through the air, do flips, spins, turns etc and just let go. This is all until you have to open the parachuteand me and parachutes didn't get on well. My skydiving instructor referred to me as a swan... beautiful in the air (air and water for a swan) and god-awful under canopy (on land for a swan). 9 out of 10 times I'd land on my arse! Anyway, one of the best things I took away from my skydiving days was Sam (awwww). He was the President of the skydiving club and that's how we meet. Neither of us skydive anymore due to financial, location and health reason. Maybe in the future though....
Well. I am a newbie to WoW and enjoying every minute (though my hands and arms aren't)! I only have one character atm called Llanfin. She is a Gnome Warlock with a pet hawk owl. Currently I'm only at level 17 but I'm getting there slowly but surely. The main reason I got into WoW was because of Felflowne (Claire) and her great sales pitch. I think I will stick with Llanfin for a while as I enjoy playing with her (hehe). It's weird to think she's got a personality but I see her a a lazy one, one who will happily sit and pick flowers whilst her voidwalker Tangdok gets dicked on!
Fashion design:
I'm really happy this is included as many people don't know this about me. I did a Drama degree and one of my specialities was costume design. Drawing and designing costumes was always one of my hobbies but it was pretty cool doing it for real. Now I will admit I may not be the best seamstress in the world but I seemed to wing it pretty well. There was a time when I even put together my own clothes (when I had the time) and I loved showing off my creativity. It's hard to believe that at university I was considered the "Best Dressed" in my department. Happy days..... Since then I've put on quite alot of weight and have become less enthusiastic about designing for me. However I still sketch up lots of designs and maybe once my arms are abit better I may return to my sewing machine. At some point I will upload my designs on deviant art, but need to get my portfolio up to date first.
Kinda wondering why this is here as I'm not sure how it helps to describe me. The main thing that pops to mind is the move down here. I'm originally from Dorset and I studied in Aberystwyth, and my family is originally from Ireland. Thus no ties in Southampton. However, when I started my relationship with Sam at the end of my 2nd year I had to start considering my destination after we graduated.It seemed sensible to move to Soton as his WHOLE family lives here and we wouldhave better job prospects. I will admit that at first I wasn't settled as I had no friends down here and did find it quite stressful. It has been about 3 years since I moved here and I finally feel at home. I have a great flat with lots of room, a job I don't 'hate' and friends nearby now XD I am a Soton lass now, and this is where I belong! Thank you to everyone who made me feel welcome!