Name: Deva Moltiv
Age: 26
Appears: 24
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Purple
Hair Color: Mahogany
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 125
Skin: Normal
Build: Slender
Cup Size: B
Orientation: Gay
Ethnicity: Ukrainian, Canadian
Occupation: Columnist at local fashion magazine
Specifics: None
Outfit Style: Anything chic, new, but not on the runway. she likes what's in department stores and figuring out the est outfits from those
Personality: stuck up, aloof, stern, stubborn, hardworker, persistant, honest, generous, punctual, thorough, frugal
Likes: fashion, saving money, plants, vegetables, vespas, italian food, boots
Dislikes: uggs, clogs, crocs, steak, fish, pork, wasting electricity, dirty laundry, uncoordinated clothing choices, sweatpants
Background: TBA
Extra Info: She almsot ALWAYS wears her glasses because she doesn't like her eye color. But, she does take them off at home.