Thankfully, today was one of the former. Had a good day at work, I like working Saturdays, if only because it's a three hour day, and a three hour day on a Saturday is hardly a work day at all, especially when you work where I do. I don't think I'd mind working there full time, if/when the opening comes, it'd be neat to do. Of course, I say this with the starry eyed wonder of a newbie. And, there are some quirks.
One of my coworkers, who shall remain nameless, I find...a bit abrasive. A do I say it? Lacking in the tact when dealing with customers she doesn't like, and a bit too willing to milk the ones she does. See, as a newbie, I don't have my notary license yet, and so I can't do DMV work, which is what AAA is used for. A lot. So, on days when I work, I do the things that I can, passport photos, memberships, maps, guide books, that sort of thing. But title work is where the meat is, and where you get to kinda go crazy. Or at least it is to me. Others don't like it so much, and so, when given the chance, will just milk it and skate until there isn't a person waiting. It just astounds me. Really it does.
On the other hand, I got to design a white board for the entryway, and draw it up and make it all fun looking. It was fun, and diverting for a couple of hours. woo for that.
I got to rake the leaves today, which was fun. The complication thinks it's a waste of time to rake them, but to me, it's cathartic. It's a chance to be outside, doing something in the warm afternoon sun, get a little exercise, listen to some good music, chat with your neighbors and enjoy the waning hours of the day. Sure, there are more leaves, sure they will fall and I'll have to rake again. But for now, the raking is a good thing. It's fun, and despite the lack of conversation for most of it, it was invigorating. Now to get up on the roof and clean the gutters out before the leaves get all sodden and matted. wooo!
So, for the rest of the evening, I shall be cooking pork and sauerkraut for the complication, playing Fallout 3, and wrestling with my cat for control of the tv. Yes, don't ask, but Trouble, he likes to push the buttons on the remote. It's fairly amusing, until he changes the input while I'm in the middle of a crazy battle with the Enclave. Then it's all fur flying, claws flailing and me bleeding. It's never a good thing then. hah.