I... I'm thinking of changing my screen name. Just to stop the memories, you know? lol. It's... not that I miss him or anything. It's just time to move on I guess.
Any suggestions, guys? I was thinking of something like "not__alone" or "isee_tomorrow" or "forward_light". Something optimistic lol 'cause I want to be happy. There will be no more sad in my life... Haha, because what I say always goes according to plan!
[Private Entry]
I was untrue to him. I let him believe I was the original and that's why he left. Because he couldn't trust me. Because I was untrustworthy.
But I've learned from this. I won't be held back by it anymore. I'm going to be perfectly honest with everyone about everything from now on. I'll start by telling myself the truth:
Shinji's gone. Out of my range of vision. I need to stop thinking about it. I need to get on with my life and make new friends. I need to let everyone know how I feel about them.
I need sensei. =(
[/Private Entry]