(no subject)

Sep 10, 2009 02:44

I cut my bangs shorter yesterday (which is... almost unnoticeable in the recent pictures because of how it's styled, lol). I was just tired of my right eye being covered by hair, since.. well. @D@; I got bored with it.
annnnd, tomorrow I'm dyeing it and cutting the rest a tad shorter, so it'll be good! =D

no wonder why my circle lenses has been painful to wear lately.... turns out that they expired 2 months ago, or something. XDDD FAAAAILLLL~ so I'm gonna buy some new ones very soon. a pair of black, pair of brown and a pair of.. either green or blue, since that's the colors closest to my own. XD circle lenses = SUPER LOOOVE. ♡

I've recently started watching a new jdrama called "Delicious Gakuin". it's kinda cheesy and seen-before, but quite entertaining anyways. XD

btw... the next entry I'm writing will probably be a little long, but I thought it would be smart to write what's actually going on right now (all the meetings and such).. I'm just gonna explain what's happening, because otherwise I'll feel like I'm lying or something, if I exclude it.. @D@ there's gonna be some changes in my life from now on, but in a better direction (hopefully)... so in a way, it's good news. depends on how you're seeing it. XD hmm, idk. I'm just trying to be positive about it.
so next entry will be long and urgh. XDD you can decide for yourself if you want to read it.

I just saw the preview of zoro's new PV, and UUUURGH I NEED IT! ♡ it looks awesome and... higher in budget, haha. urgh, so many releases in the future, my monies will all be gone! XD but okay, it will be worth eeeet~♡

ONCE I START I CANNOT STOP MYSELLLLF~ okay, I'll do another meme. XD I need to stop this, hahah! it's way too addicting... XD

I'm actually getting tired of these jrock memes.. XD mostly because I listen to a lot other stuff, so..

01. Who was the first J-rock Band you heard?
as said in the previous meme I did, either X Japan or Dir en grey.

02. Who's the most recent J-rock Band you've heard?
as in.. newly discovered or last band you heard a song made by? :D newly discovered... I don't remember, I find a lot of new bands too often.. and last heard (as in literally heard) band, that'll be 12012 which I'm listening to right now. 8D

03. Who's your favorite J-rock Band?
URGH THIS IS TOUGH. I have more than one... XD but IF I have to choose just one right at the moment, it's baroque. the others will be in the next question. XD

04. Name 6 other Bands you Like:
12012, zoro, kannivalism, SID, kagerou.

05. Are you a fangirl/boy?
I wouldn't really say I am. just a fan. XD

06. If yes, of Who?
not really.

07. Do you cosplay?
I don't.

08. Who?
... Ace Ventura.

09. Do you like Dir en grey?
a year ago, I was a huge fan of them, but I'm not really anymore.. I listen to them once in a while, but honestly, it's really rare these days.

10. Are you a Toshiya fangirl?
no. XD

11. How about Kaoru?

12. Die?
would I be hated if I said that I think the resemblance of him and Glen/Glenda from "Seed Of Chucky" is unmistakable..? XD
but besides that, I think he's so, so, soooo gorgeous it hurts. ♡

13. Kyo?
I don't like the personality he shows off, like being really hypocritical.. for example, I read once that he replied to a fan who wanted to quit something, with something like; "I don't want to talk to quitters!", when he basically quit EVERYTHING he didn't like in the past. D:
and also, being a douche towards fans.

14. Shinya?

15. What's your favourite DeG song?
kodou. ♡

16. Do you like visual bands or non-visual bands?
I like both. ♡ I think it's sad that a lot of people don't listen to non-visual bands, since they are often just as great like others. QWQ

17. What's the first J-rock song you heard?
probably Dir en grey - cage or X Japan - Crucify My... something.. XD

18. What's the last song you heard?
right now, I'm listening to MUCC - 9gatsu 3ka no kokuin. ♡ can't wait to see them the 2nd time this october! ♡

19. Do you buy J-rock magazines?
not that much anymore, but if I see one in Denmark, I do. 8D there's a shop near me that sells Gothic & Lolita Bible monthly, and from time to time, they sell SHOXX. so if I'm lucky, yes. ♡

20. What's your favorite?
hmm, Cure, I think. Cure or Shoxx. XD I'm really bad at picking favorite things.

21. Have you ever been to any J-rock concerts?
yes yes! ;D

22. Which ones?
MUCC, alice nine., the GazettE, miyavi, SCREW, Dir en grey, Kra, kagrra,, SuG, Antic Cafe.
I'm not sure if I have remembered all of them. D:

23. What would you do if you saw any J-rocker walking down the street in your town?
I'd probably approach them/talk with them, and maybe ask for a picture or something else. XD then let them go.

24. Which Jrocker are you most in love/lust with?
LOLOLOLOL I THOUGHT I HAD MADE THIS CLEAR... tenten (ex-KuRt, MY BactEriA Heat iSland). gooood, I adore him. ♡

25. Which three Jrockers would you most love to meet in person (Dead or alive)?
Mao (SID), Ryou (kannivalism, ex-baroque), and YUKKE (MUCC) again, because he's pure win. (which reminds me I still need to write what we talked about, whenryuponand I met him after a liveshow.. it was so weird.. XD)

26. Three things you would like to say to/ask them?
to Mao - talk about our sharing passion for curry rice and porn. ♡
to Ryou - I'd just hang out with him. XD nothing special I want to say, I just want to talk about normal things.
to YUKKE - Danish youghurt and fanta again. XDD

27. Which three Jrockers can you relate to most?
hmm.. none, haha.

28. Which three Jrock songs do you constantly replay?
kannivalism - buranko.
baroque - cherry king.
(and currently;) Plastic Tree - fukurou.

29. Do you have any Jrockers as your background?
my current cellphone background is ryou from his baroque days. 8D but it changes a lot, haha.

30. Which Jrocker would you most like to get fashion/makeup advice from?
hmm... none in particular, I think. XD

31. Do you read Jrock fan fiction?
only those written by people I know, either from IRL or LJ. besides that, not really. XD

32. What is your favorite Jrocker related dream?
.... I once had the cutest dream EVER. ♡♡♡♡ I'm not gonna write it down right now, because it would be really long then.. but it's about ryou and kei (kannivalism, ex-brq)... it was so cute and heartwarming. ♡

33. How many Jrock MP3s do you have?
the computer where I had all my music broke down a while ago, so I don't have any files right now. XD but as in CD's instead, I have MANAY.... *ded* .. *starts transferring*

34. And, finally, if you could sleep with any three Jrockers, who would they be?

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