Good times actually happen!

Mar 26, 2009 02:13

Last night I met up with an a friend I hadn't really seen in awhile and we went out to Village Inn to talk and catch up. It was really quite nice to see him! I ordered something to eat and he just had coffee. Our server was also the host and was being stretched into what seemed 4 million directions. He was forgetful but none the less cheery for it being after midnight. As I have been sick the past couple of days, I've been sucking down water like none otha motha! So I drink my glass and when he walks by I ask if I could have some water. He hops off to go get it. Though when he returns, it is not water in which he brought it was extra butter. LOL He put it down and walked off and it took me about 5 secounds or so to realize what had just occured. I was laughing so hard tears were coming out. We eventually get his attention again and say that I wanted water not butter. It was then that he confessed that he was snickering at me for wanting more butter! 
We had some nice conversation with him and then Alex makes this comment about how he was probably the most entertaining server he's had yet. He mentioned something about a cartwheel and such when the server/host guy backs up and BAM does a cartwheel in the middle of the resturant!!!! It was GREAT! Not only did we come out much happier than before we arrived, Alex gave him a $7 tip. The bill was only $12. XD

After our little Village Inn excursion we both weren't quite tired yet and so we ventured around town. Driving around aimlessly we eventually found ourselves on the hillside searching for a wonderful view of the city. And my was it beautiful. It made me wish that I had had my camera with me! I had my dinky little phone camera though and snapped a shot. :D

Yes, yes that is pretty much most of Anchorage. It small and pretty and I love it lots. <3

I found out today though that I don't have my birthday off or the day after. Man this stinks. At least they gave me a morning shift at least I should be happy? I do know that I am happy that I get to leave the food court though!! YAAAY~!
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