Well im here just playing my games. I havent updated because well i was busy, either playing games or hanging out with the guys. So right now im watching Teen Titans and typing and update. Alot of things happened that were fun and what not. Alot of Anime Expo news came up, went on a date that was cool, and got a new game. All of the this in what 3 weeks hehehehe.
The date was fun got to meet new people and made some firends. I would say that the girl that Arshen and Lauren try to hook me up with is well not my type. Shes cool and all but well it really didnt click. Something that flare up inside just didnt happpen. I think that the same thing will happen if she new that this was a double date. Well other then that, the date was fun. We watched HellBoy. It was a really good movie. I was alitle digusted at the Slashed eye/Masked guy's face so i closed my eyes. It was good. not to bad and not to good. Just right.
Anime Expo news is well not good and really good. Not good is that Ramiro is not going. He's not going because of Arshen. Ramiro HATES him and Arshen thinks hes still his firend. It's sorta weird, but i cant do anything about it. Oh and i got some update one the whole stalker thing. The reason Arshen said he moved his LJ account is that it is not because of Ramiro. Its because of Steve. A guy that nuts about Lauren, and i mean like crazy nuts. Arshen and Lauren hates him, and some how found out that Arshen was Lauren's new boyfirend. So he was started to "stalk" Arshen too. so he changed it. Well back to the AX thing. WE ARE GETTING FREE ROOMS!!!!! Yes that right WE ARE GETTING FREE ROOMS. One more time :WE ARE GETTING FREE ROOMS. Nothing after that . Just free rooms. Its just great.
Other then that i have gotten a new game that i just love. Its SSX3. The only sports game that i love. Its fun and you get the wow factor alot for other people.
Well other then.......WAIT i got my self a CarDomain account for my Corolla.
http://members.cardomain.com/ojisride Thats the page yo!!!
Well that all i got. There prob alot more that i didnt mention but i dont remember it. So ill be back tomorrow to give you a new out look of what I did.