A Year in Review

Dec 21, 2005 19:19

I was kind of hoping to wait a bit more closer to the end of the year, but I suppose since I only update this thing infrequently that I should use the time that I have to get some things out.

2005, over-all... it's been interesting.

Things have certainly changed a lot. Some for the better, some for the "Meh-I guess this kinda' sucks", and sadly a bit for the worse. I've made resolutions, said I'd start a webcomic over a dozen times, went back out with a girl I dumped because she was going no where ( in my opinion ), got dumped by that same girl who said I was going no where, lost two of my closest frineds for whatever reasons I still have not recieved, recovered from said break up, got food poisioning at Otakon, lost connection with more friends over the course of the summer into the fall, went back to school, got a new boss at work, reconnected with some old friends, had a very dear friend move to Missouri, had another move to Las Vegas and back... only to move back there ( maybe ), argued with a dear friend over his choices of joining the armed forces, made an a-hole of myself, hopefully reconciled with him, somehow managed to find a relationship when the last thing I wanted in the whole world was to fall in love again, fell in love again ( SURPRISE! ), visited up North on several occasions... realizing that friends don't have to live down the street to care, had my twin sister move out, pass out while painting my new room, got caught up in a huge "THIS GUY IS CREPPY AND WANTS TO DATE ME BUT HE ALSO WANTS TO SABOTAGE MY FRIENDSHIP WITH YOU" debaticle, to feeling guilty about lusting and wishing somehow I could repent for looking at other girls when my eyes should be on the one and only, slowly coming to the realization that I do deserve what I have, losing it, having Carson and many others beat me severly, have Deb nearly rape me verbally but since she never makes sense anyways shruging it off and surprisingly not caring... huh... weird, and lastly... to writing this.

Wow, not a lot happened. lol. Well, a lot did happen. A lot of big life changing things happened. I suppose I was due for an interesting year, I haven't had one since high school and it was only a matter of time for things to have their moment of hitting the fan. I've bounced back, at least I think so. A whole 'nother year to look forward to, leaping ahead in hopes of meeting new people, seeing new things, and giving thanks to the things that stay with me... and even to those that go away. I've spent a lot of this year worrying about friendships, probably more than anything. I guess losing so many friends in rapid succession does that.

It's repetative, and most people expect it and grow tired of me worrying or complaining. But that's what is important to me. People will write about school work in their LJ, or their parents, their jobs, or whatever is most important to them. You all worry about relationships, whether it be with family or a spouse. A boyfriend or girlfriend. I write about that too. I don't know why I'm defending myself here but, recently I've gotten some flack for worrying. Sorry. I can't help it. I don't want to lose what I love most. My friends are my family. This year has shown me not to let things go by lightly, expecting people to stick around. I guess then maybe I shouldn't worry so much. If I get so worked up and emotionally attached, the pain will be much worse, right? That'd be a waste. If I've learned anything for this year or any of the years before it, it's to live life by every second. I want everyone to know how I feel, because you never know how or when things could end. Worrying so much is probably bad for me, and yeah, it probably seems like a lack of trust to my friends...

Huh... I see it that way now. It's gotta' be really annoying when you tell someone they're there, and then have them just constantly worry if they will even be around. I can see why I get on people's nerves. That is pretty freakin' annoying.

Well, most people don't stick to their New Year's resolutions, so I won't try and say that this coming year I'm going to worry less and enjoy what I've got for as long as I have it. I will say though, before the year is over, I'm going to do my best and be a better friend and trust in things. It'll be tough, but I will always have shaping up to do. I could really do better work on communicating with people. That'd be something nice to be able to do, right? -.-* If I didn't hate the phone so much.

Alright then, 2006 will be a year of renewal. Lots of good changes, lots of figuring out, and most importantly, plenty of learning. I know this next year will be the best one yet, as I have my family and my health. That's what really matters.

In short, thanks 2005. It's been a heck of a ride. Thanks for the saddle sores, I'll remember them well.

Have a safe holiday everyone.

Much Love,

Dan H.
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