Shun on a rampage

Apr 28, 2006 18:41

WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT. Ok so I should explain myself. But I'm gonna be as fucking ghetto and stupid acting as I possibly can in the process. So to start off. My contact order. Placed TWO GODAMN WEEKS AGO ON THE 14TH OF THIS MONTH. Cosplaylab: (THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY TOLD ME) "Oh...yah about that. It seems we had a glitch in our system. We're really sorry about that. If you wish to cancel your order, we'll understand." YOU FUCKING DIMFUCKS! WHAT THE HELL DO I WANT MY GODAMN MONEY BACK FOR! So then I politely replied. "Excuse me...but I always thought the reason you sell things was to stay in business. This is not exactly the best strategy to keep me coming back to your site. If i wanted my money back, I'd have asked for it in my last email to you. Stop being cowards and fix this." And then I get an email back from them, saying (again..VERBATIM)"We apologize for the misunderstanding in our last message to you. It turns out we can ship your contacts to you today! You've just made it in time to be on the ups shipment going out today! Lucky you! We will go ahead and ship your order out and enjoy your contacts!" ....pussies. In the end, my contacts will be here, so i'm not upset about much as I am about this next problem. Same day...different order. For reference everyone: DON'T TRUST MAX COSTUMES. Apparently it takes them two weeks to realize that they can't fill an order due to their shipments not coming in till June. This is what they told me, again, verbatim:

Dear Jonathon,
I understand you called, I am sorry I wasn't able to talk to you directly. Regrettably, I will not be able to fill your order. We are not taking any more orders and what has been ordered is being refunded, due to vendor's lack of inventory. Our vendors stock is not due until June. I will send you a check in the mail as soon as possible. We are undergoing a website update and rehab. We are adding another 6K products to our database for the upcoming season. I hope you will come back and try us again.
Again , I apologize.

HE SPELLED MY FUCKING NAME WRONG!!!! IT'S RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOU ON THE GODAMN ORDER I PLACED....TWO....WEEKS....AGO!....Oh but shun it's just one letter. To those of you saying that, fuck you and kiss my ass. I don't appreciate those who are already fucking me over and being retarded then disrespecting me by not taking the time to READ the name i just gave them. I'm sure Max Costumes wouldn't like it if I called them Fag Costumes. Faggots... now I'm stuck and I'm not sure as to what I'm gonna do about this, as acen is next friday, and even though this costume is relatively simple and I already have most of what I need from previous costumes, there are certain things that I need to have to make this costume complete. GODAMN STUPID PEOPLE! Now granted...I should have checked earlier, but I was shipping my wig to Marikit's place and she was having delivery issues with her own things, and only recently did her packages start coming in. So i figured I'd give it a while and see what's up. Now...I've basically fucked myself over from waiting too long and the likelihood of this costume being done by acen is very slim. Angry Shunners I am. I'm not giving up hope, but I'm glad to have another reason to swear a lot. Where's the fucking alcohol....
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