LJ Interests meme results
- anime:
Anime rocks! What is it that i like about anime? Well, off the top of my head, the animation itself is one. Also the culture that goes with it and the quirks that are found in most anime (the things that make my roommate, who doesn't understand anime, say "What the...?" or "Okaaaay..." - boffers:
Boffers are so fun
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Hey, Friday next week (Oct 7th) i have a friend who is doing a little bit of FF7:Advent Children and DDR. Wanna come? Don't know the time yet, so i'm actually not sure if i'll be able to go yet.
Thanks for the invite! That is a deffinate maybe. Let me know if you decide to go. I just fear going to the FF7 part, because I am going to be getting that game from my brother soon and I don't want spoilers! But spoilers aren't so bad... lol
*grumbles* Well at least if i can't make it, i won't feel as bad as I would have.
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