The dressing room of a closed theater sounds like the unlikeliest meeting place, and yet here Fuu is, apparently in meditation, waiting for Faye. The six thermos, all filled, stand next to an Egyptian dress.
"Oh, it's the least I could do, Faye-san. And I understand these apartment buildings were designed for efficiency."
The thermos follow Fuu to the kitchen, and each slowly descends to whichever available spot she can find. "I'll leave it up to you whether you want them refrigerated."
"By the way, you can leave the emptied thermos at the dressing room, and I'll be sure to have them filled later. If you want, I can even send the filled ones here."
"Ah, well give me a moment..." She heads off, getting a bit of paper and something to write with. She's soon back with her contact details. Of course, she tells Fuu her contact details before handing the note to her.
Faye's fondness for red. There's of course, some protection from the sun here. Faye just tells people she's got a condition, which is
partially true. She goes on ahead, turning the lights on.
"You didn't need to carry them all, Fuu... Anyway, the kitchen's to the left... I know it's a bit cramped, but... you know."
The thermos follow Fuu to the kitchen, and each slowly descends to whichever available spot she can find. "I'll leave it up to you whether you want them refrigerated."
"By the way, you can leave the emptied thermos at the dressing room, and I'll be sure to have them filled later. If you want, I can even send the filled ones here."
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