Jul 24, 2007 11:26
Just writing to ask you for prayers for our family. We had to put our dog, Bambi, down this morning. As some of you know, she had been having health problems for awhile now. Her kidneys were giving her trouble, one was shutting down, but she was on special food for this. They brought her in to the vet this morning because she wasn't breathing very well yesterday. She didn't sleep at all last night. Turns out, her heart was enlarged and there was blood filling her lungs. It was her time to go, of course, because you never want your pet to be in pain. But it's really, really hard on my family. So if you could please keep us in your prayers, I would so greatly appreciate it. It breaks my heart, but she's in a better place now. And at least she got to go on the paddleboat with us a couple days ago, and got to eat that one last french fry from me yesterday.