this past weeekend was fuuuuuuuuunnnnnn !
i got sooooooooo SUNBUUURNT . and it STILLL hurts a looot lot !
=/ but all worth it !
i learned how to drive a boat . [ kinda ]
we caught a fish with a stick . [ sorta ]
and my aunts put up our tent . hahhahaaa i just helped [ a little ]
k . well here are some pictures from LAKE HEMET !!!!!!
my dads dancing ! hahhaaaaa !
thats " captain " jack sparrow . hahha a !
adults .... gambling
it started to rain .... !! out of no where !!!!? ! hahaha . then it just stopped ?
i got hops ! haha .
bgirls ! ? haha . psh yeah riiiight !
smores ~ yummmmm !
fam pictureeee .
eeeeek . thats how i look in the morning .
it was my first time REALLLLY camping . since girl scouts back in the day !
it was funnnny . because we had rice .... eggs . chicken .... cheese burgers .... brownies all this yummmy food . there's no way my family would have lasted if we had to CATCH all our own food ? hahahhaaa .
now i have to go get ready . im doing second session SI now ! daaaang . its because of my brother and cousins ...... that are now doing it too !
hahhaaa . i love it though .
this weekend is our PASA board retreat . i think we're going camping .
aaaah . again ..... my sunburn will be on me for awhile . =/
have a great week everyone !!!!!!!!
sincerely ,