Sep 29, 2010 18:31
This will pass just like everything else here, I imagine.
I hope.
Whatever compelled me to board originally seems to be gone.
Still, I doubt that having a similar hair color was enough to be considered a pair.
Those who have remained behind, consider at least getting higher than ground level....the top floor ideally--it's not a ship, but it seems better than being trapped in a room with the water rising. You might have to secure yourself to---are there even holdings? Suppose there is---
An umbrella is useless if you were to go to the very top. What else though? Inside lower than half I would guess is a prison and the top floors won't hold everyone who has stayed, but the outside sounds like an impossible gale.
Does lightning strike here? A stupid question...
This place isn't Earth or Stormhold or a derivative of. It's not unwise to consider every possibility.... I have seen great floods and other disasters. They never last for one, and for another---well even if they did everything here is of a temporary nature. Maybe it will be over tomorrow.
[ a pause and there is the veryyyy audible noise of lots of pairs on board ]
Maybe not. I never tried to predict things before. But then they never affected me.
And I have never cared about....
At least try.
And perhaps count yourself lucky that you aren't on this ship after all.
The smell is lovely.
[ sarcasm....clearly. ]
They must be bored.
[ And then there is a pause she wonders what is going on in the City proper...but then she shuts it off because there doesn't seem to be anything else to say, and even what she has said feels largely useless. People will do what they want to do. That hasn't changed in...well, ever.
But she cares about some, personally even for the first time in...well... also ever.
She's new to wanting to tell Someone or rather Someones that she cares, so she talks to a general Anyone, which seems safer if on the face of it rather foolish. ]