Oct 06, 2005 13:52
I'm really happy...my mom's dog, Kira, is one of the most adorable kanines you could ever hope to meet. And I know I can be trusted on this, because while I appreciate dogs and most animals, I am not really a "dog person." Kira is a mix between a border collie and German Shepherd...she was also the runt of the litter, I think...at any rate, what she looks like is a medium-sized, very fluffy german shepherd. She is SO CUTE! And she's still very young so she gets excited and she LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVES attention. She is just a spoiled brat of a princess (my mom's fault...I don't put up with it, LOL!). But she has a lot of energy as well as a lot of smarts, and one of the things she seems to be good at is jumping, although I'm told that is a "puppy" characteristic. When she is running around in my parents' backyard, she will sometimes bounce straight up in the air from all fours, just effortlessly, and she looks like a little deer. It is SO FUNNY!
Anyway, I've felt really bad for her because though it's good she has a whole yard to herself to play in, she doesn't get the kind of regular walks that dog people are obsessive about... my mom hasn't had too much experience with dogs, she's just always wanted one since she was little. So I know Kira means a lot to her. But she has such an irregular schedule she doesn't really walk her regularly. And as a result (?) Kira has a bad habit of figuring out new ways to run out of the yard! Now this worries me, naturally, because we've had a number of animals hit over the years, and as I've gotten older my awareness of the sheer quantity of bad things that can happen to the innocent has of course quite increased. So far, however, she's been lucky...at first, she would always end up at the animal shelter, where my mom would call first thing when she was missing. But lately, apparently she has caught onto the fact that the treats and bones that come to her (without being earned in any way, I might add) have something to do with the PetSmart down the street, and so that is where my mom has found her of late. I think that is really funny in spite of the fact that it bothers me to hear of her escaping.
Anyway, apparently this happened again last week, but something good has finally come of it! Kira has not been able to be spayed yet because it is so expensive. But this last time when she went down to the PetSmart, they took her to the animal clinic nearby (where I had poor Jurgie put to sleep. :( ) Anyway, the doctor there is really wonderful and caring. He had given me a hug when I brought Jurgis in and found out he had kittie leukemia. Upon finding out that the dog wasn't spayed, they offered to do it for my mom and then finance it. So now she has an appointment for next week! HURRAY!!!!! I have been getting on her about having the dog spayed for a while now (not that she could do anything about it) because I would love to have her come and stay in my apartment and she could play with the other dog, and go to the dog park...and that's the BIG one! I would love to see her have a chance to run freely. A dog as young as she should not be as lazy as we've let her become. hehehehehe.
Anyway so I'm really happy about that...now she's going to be spayed and if my mom has to go out of town, I can look after her and don't even have to go sit at my parents' house to do so. And I could have a little extra company, who knows. Part of what I had in mind is, if my parents ever leave their current house, which they COULD do within the next ten years, I know they would like to at some point...but I don't want my mom to have to give up the dog if that were to happen. That's what happened with our last dog...it is so expensive to live around here and if they lived in a townhouse, unless my mom had the time to put into her, she wouldn't really be able to keep her. So I want to be a ready adoptive doggie parent should that become a necessity. :) Then my mom can still see the dog if she wants...and maybe I can put some much needed time into her. Or maybe she'd keep ME in line! But of course, hopefully this won't have to happen...
*ponder* Maybe a dog is exactly what I need for my schedule issues?!?! HMMMMMMMMm......