Jan 21, 2008 21:05
Okay, here comes my update (my second today, but what the hell).
Life is really good right now. I had a very tough beginning of this year, but I don't wanna go into details at what happened. The most important thing is that I moved on and that I just can't imagine being in a better position than where I am now. What happened was probably the best that could happen and I have realized that life is very tough and complicated, but that the only thing we can do is to make the best out of our lives. So that's what I'm trying to do. I'm happy now and that's the most important thing, according to myself. I love how things are right now. The life as the dog owner of Yoda is the best thing that has ever happened to me. The past three months have been beyond amazing. It has also been very tough, but not because of him but because of everything else that has been going on in my life.. My relationship with a person and school and everything. I thought I was like the super woman who could manage anything. I have realized I'm no such person, but at the same time I have also realized I'm actually pretty good at forgiving people and moving on. I have discovered who I really am. I have also discovered what kinds of people I prefer to hang out with. I have also met many new people that I'm truly happy I met and created new friends. Those last three months I have done many things that I regret now, but it is not the end of the world. I got a new best guy friend during winter break and he's like this guy I felt like I have known my entire life. He's one of the few people that I really trust. I can tell him everything and despite that I havent known him for such a long time he knows a great deal more about myself and my secrets than most people I have known for a long time know about me. Yet it feels right because he also tells me everything and I know he's always there for me. He was there for me when I had a tough time the beginning of this year.
I have also gotten very close to some others of my childhood friends. I feel like I'm in the best period of time in life right now. I also have two cats that I take care of temporarily and I completely love them. They also get along pretty well with Yoda and it's also the reason I love them so much. They both are one year old. One of them is long-haired, very dark-brown and white-colored and his name is Ruffe. The other one is black and white and he's called Fabian.
And you probably wonder the meaning of the subject. La vita é bella means Life is beautiful in Italian. I'm taking an italian class this semester and it's really fun. I love the language and it's so easy to learn. It's also a very beautiful language.
I have so many things to look forward to this year, to tell you the truth. I'm taking the driving theory test next month and if I pass it, I'm gonna have my driver's license within a few months. I seriously can't wait. The other things that I'm gonna do this year is getting a tattoo (I have three kinds of tattoos to choose from, so I haven't decided yet which one of them I'm getting first) and a piercing in the tongue (I already have in the belly button and in the breast nipple, believe it or not).
It became a longer update than I thought it would be. I guess I had so many things to tell you about.
And... I seriously miss all of you in USA. One day doesn't pass without my thinking of "USA".