Mar 03, 2006 22:30
So, reading through my entries, I've noticed one large similarity that goes throughout. I have contradicting opinions about the same topic, depending on my mood at that day and time.
I wrote about how after family weekend, extreme+school+judicial would be a piece. Then about how just 1 aspect of that..judicial was so frustrating that i cant take it.
I wrote about how shitty family weeknd was going then how amazing it was. Which isnt actually hypocritcal, just contradicting. BC shitty shit was going down w/family weekend and we got through it and it did go fabulously.
I wrote about how i hate my roomates & they make me want to throw up and/or cry...yet how much i love them and dont want us to seperate.
These are a bunch of major things in my life, so i guess its natural that my feelings on them arent always stable, right? If everything was totally stable, then thatd just be boring. Right?
I analyse this bc theres things that have happened in the last 16 months or so that i've been called a hypocrite. its a new name for me to be called..and i'm still not quite used to it, or sure how i can be that way. This stuff makes sense i think, but as long as i'm not hypocritcal about certain other issues esp dealing with others?