I've been thinkin'

Feb 01, 2008 17:07

Alright Everyone... At long last, I present to you:

Top 10 Things I Didn't Know I Loved About the US Until I Left

*Disclaimer: International Travel is SO cool. I had such a great time in England! There are a bunch of things I loved about England and appreciated more than the American counterpart. (ie. The Tube, taxi accessibility, food options, landmarks and monuments, liquor sales.) However, there is no place like home.*

10. Good Plumbing
(Ugh. England = Poor water pressure and difficult temperature control)

9. Bars open late
(I'm not much of a club rat. Regular bars close at 1!)

8. Smoking in Bars/Pubs
(Granted, NOW I can't do this in the US either.)

7. Ice
(Can I have more than half a cube in my soda? Thanks.)

6. American Food
(Ok... Yorkshire pudding and curry is great, but sometimes I want something fried in a patty.)

5. Table service in bars/pubs
(Get up to order?! You must be kidding.)

4. Tiny Drinks and portion control
(8oz is not a cup of coffee... well, maybe a kids cup.)

3. Trash Cans
(# of trash cans is inversely proportionate with the # of free newspapers. Odd.)

2. My friends and family
(I suppose they should rank somewhere...)

and, at the top of the list....

What?! PAY for another SODA?! (Even though it was tiny to begin with?! {see #4}) This concept offends my delicate American sensibilities.

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