Drabble: Perfect Little Moments

Aug 18, 2009 21:25

Title: Perfect Little Moments
Characters/Pairing: Ten/Donna, Jack
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Post-JE, not happy, no fluff in sight. Written for the Weekly Drabble Prompt #20 ('perfect') at doctor_donna
Disclaimer: The BBC definitely owns the Doctor and Donna in this story. I will lay claim to the happy ever after kind :)

“She used to do this thing when we were holding hands where she’d reach over with her free hand and run her fingers up and down my arm, so softly I’m not sure she even realised she was doing it,“ he smiles sadly, taking another gulp from the glass, looking at Jack who nods at him to continue, “That‘s what I miss most, those little things, those perfect little moments…”

He stops, slipping into a melancholy silence.

“You loved her,” Jack states, simply.

“ I still do,” he swallows hard and looks away, “I don’t know how I’ll ever stop.”

ten/donna, drabble

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