Interesting Facts

May 07, 2008 15:46

Americans are waiting longer to get married, but they shouldn't wait too long: The odds for a happy marriage may favor those who tie the knot between the ages of 23 and 27, says a survey out Thursday.

I was quite happy to hear this. I have my own theories for why this is. At a younger age you are less firmly entrenched in your career and whatnot, so it is easier to adjust to a change of life like marrying someone.

I have also heard it said that your 20s are the best years of your life, and spending those best years with a loved one may help strengthen your relationship. I know I am very excited to spend these formative years of the rest of my life with the person I love. We have a chance to set the pace for our life together early on, so that other things may not necessarily form a barricade.

I am not saying this is the cardinal truth, and I find the resarch methods in the article highly suspect, but it is refreshing to now that marrying young isn't a huge taboo.

I mean I can definitely understand the logic behind getting married later in life. You are apparently more mature, have more buying power and ability to support a family, and you would have assumedly been in and out of many relationships, so you "know how they work" and what is involved in a committment.

Maybe I am just a desperate nut. I've just never had this idea that you have to "shop around" for the perfect person. This is the first serious relationship I have ever been in, and I have every intention of making it the only one. I don't know if it is wrong or not, but we make each other very happy. Human beings don't live that long. Let's say for the sake of argument that I will live to 80 years of age. That means I only have abut 56 more years to spend with her. In the grand scheme of things, that isn't really a long time, considering it seems like just yesterday that I was in elementary school playing 4 square.

I am so happy right now. I mean, I literally am about to have everything I have ever wanted out of life. I have a career (granted it pays me peanuts right now), and I am 16 days away from having a wife. She completes me in so many ways. I am 16 days away from starting an enormous adventure in my life.

I am so happy that she has been able to talk with some of you on Facebook! It may be a while before she can come here, but hopefully we will be able to provide enough evidence of our relationship and complete our application for Permanent Residence correctly, so it can be processed quickly. I am hoping since we are both young, we have no children, and we have no prior marriages, that processing will be quick and easy.

We should we have a big party when she arrives!

In the meantime while waiting for her arrival, I will need to start making preparations for a place to live. I'll have to start looking for deals on furniture, apartments, appliances, etc. The tough part is timing when she will be here. How awesome would it be if she could get in before christmas? Granted that since she has never seen snow before it may overload her a bit ha ha. They say that they can process 30% of cases in 5 months in HK, so maybe we will part of the lucky 30%.

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