May 05, 2005 09:58
"What the hell am I?"
Well, Paul and Chris, that isn't hard...your characters are dwarf and human, so you're just plain ol' humanoid! Then we have the people who have Mythic Races and Planar Handbook races, which are all tweaked to fit Evelon's background. For instance, aasimars are from Celestials, which in Evelon, are descendents of the psirace and are all psionic. Seelie are OVERWHELMINGLY DIFFERENT from other Seelie in other campaigns--being born from magic is a start. The Mythic Races book never makes mention of this. Eternal life is another thing that is unique.
QUIN is--*drum roll* Outsider (Native)! What a surprise. What's this mean? Well, I looked up Outsider (Native) in the Monster Manual, and this means he's no different to Paul or Chris whatsoever--except, well, "Person" spells don't work, including Charm Person and Hold Person.
BLINK is--*drum roll* Fey! ...I know, we've been saying Magical Beast. Nope, no way that can be true. If you look up Magical Beast in the Monster Manual, some of the stuff in there will make it obvious as to why--for starters, the whole d10 thing, lol. Of course, Fey are technically supposed to have d6, but it's a d4 and that's all there is to it. Fey cannot be effected by Charm Person and Hold Person, similarly. Those only effect those that are blatantly humanoid, pure and simple. Furthermore, the type STOPS at Fey. No Outsider, no Magical Beast, no Aberration, no nothing. Just. Fey.
HOWEVER. The subtype, like law, can always have exceptions. Seelie--not Fey, just Seelie--are born of magic, and are subjected to antimagic fields. This is also why they don't age, because they're born of magic. Furthermore, I have ruled for Raise Dead and all of that below regarding the Seelie race.
On to the next subtype...PORTIA is...*drum roll* Outsider (Native)! The Mythic Races book doesn't say this, but since Blickish are the descendents of the psirace (of Celestials and Infernals intermingling, to be exact), I'm unfortunately going to have to rule this one, which means no Charm Person or Hold Person for you. Don't worry, nothing else really happens beyond that point. You lose the Outsider (Native) subtype once you are born from people without that subtype for four generations, I have decided--but Blickish are not. Blickish are born from other Blickish, and so they have always retained Outsider (Native) subtypes. To be technical, the Blickish were born from the union of tiefling and aasimar. Half Celestials and Half Infernals are second generation Outsiders (and are not Native, btw), aasimar and tiefling are third generation Outsiders (and Native), and Blickish are fourth generation Outsiders. A fifth generation will lose the Outsider subtype (if a Blickish had a child with another who was not an Outsider.)
So, yes, for your information, Quin's children would ALL have the Outsider (Native) subtype. Okay, next person.
ILLIA is...*drum roll* Humanoid!...Haha. Nothing special for the Pevishan. Thought I'd just give you a stomach ache. Actually, Hold Person and Charm Person screw you just as easily as the dwarf and human - but Raise Dead works, as you'll see below!
So, there you have it! That's your type!
Now, onto....
"Do they work on me?"
Humanoid AND Outsider (Native) - Yes, they do. All of them. Even Raise Dead.
Seelie - Raise Dead doesn't. Here's why. Raise Dead doesn't work on Elves, or on Elan. Why? Because of your immortality. (Which, by the way, you can blame that on magic.) Those that are immortal are shaken worse by death, and do not respond to the Raise Dead spell. Yes, I realize the Player's Handbook doesn't say that. Yes, I'm aware the Elf entry and the Fey subtype doesn't say that. But that's my ruling per how Evelon works, and so shall it be. Take comfort though in that Resurrection works.
ANOTHER HUGE NOTE: If you die, I won't just let you be raised. You have to give me a good reason you'd WANT to come back. When people die, their soul must accept the revival spell. Huge condition. When Blink dies, she will return to the essence of magic in this world. Why, pray tell, would the essence of magic in the world of Evelon return Blink's soul to the world? Similarly, if you go to a Plane of Preservation, you better have a damn good reason for coming back - that is, if you go to Celestia, Baator (aka Hell), the Outlands, or Mechanus. Souls that go there have no desire to go back. Someone has to make them want to come back. Telling me "Because I want to keep adventuring!" is not a good enough answer, either. Keep that in mind.
Next ruling.
I have compiled a list of spells you cannot simply take when you gain a level. If you have them in your spellbook already, remove that spell and put another one in. Although, you're high enough level to where if you have any of these spells, I'm slightly disturbed.
DO NOT (*coughJaredhack*) take a spell from any book outside of the Player's Handbook without actually asking me first, "Can I use this spell?" I am okay with all spells published by Wizards except for a handful that don't make sense in my campaign whatsoever, and so I need you to ask me about EACH SPELL so I can filter the spells out that don't make sense. Remember, this is Evelon, not Greyhawk or Frostfell or whatever.
Most spells not allowed, you can get, just not from gaining a level. You have to find a scroll with that spell or something of the sort. Druids, rangers, and paladins had no prohibited spells.
4th - Shadow Conjuration
5th - Shadow Evocation
6th - Geas/Quest
5th - Plane Shift
6th - Forbiddance, Geas/Quest
7th - Ethereal Jaunt, Resurrection
9th - Astral Projection, Etherealness, Gate, Miracle, Soul Bind, True Resurrection
4th - Shadow Conjuration
5th - Dismissal, Planar Binding [Lesser], Shadow Evocation, Permanency
6th - Planar Binding, Shadow Walk
7th - Banishment, Plane Shift, Shadow Conjuration [Greater], Ethereal Jaunt, Limited Wish
8th - Planar Binding [Greater], Trap the Soul, Shadow Evocation [Greater]
9th - Freedom, Imprisonment, Gate, Shades, Astral Projection, Soul Bind, Etherealness, Wish