So yeah... Another one [10 Day Challenge - Day 1]

Sep 09, 2010 21:45

I actually gank'd this from Tumblr. BUT I WAS BORED.

Day 1: One guy who means a lot to you

That'd be my wonderfully geeky-awesome boyfriend, Lester. I'm starting to get a bit ehhh about talking to people on LJ, ever since a really important friend that's been appearing on a lot of my earlier posts started being a COMPLETE ARSEHOLE and remembering all that brings back bad memories.

But this kid's important to me, even if I risk heartbreak later. (Yes, I call him kid even though he's older than me). But yeah. He's very important to me and I hold him close to my heart. He's a lot of things I really looked for in a boy and so much more. I liked him for a year, even when people told me not to get my hopes up (that's right, even my mom and my cousin PJ). I'm still learning a lot about being in a relationship and about being a good significant other, but I'm trying the best I can to treat him right. We've both had our share of heartbreak and let-downs, especially him, so I want to show him that "Hey, I'm not the prettiest or the brightest compared to some of them, but you picked me anyway so I'm definitely going to work to be that person who'll be by your side forever."

He's the one person who can make me feel so nervous and excited on a normal Wednesday night or Sunday because thinking about seeing him again gives me so many butterflies in my stomach that I start to get sick. He's the one person other than my immediate family that can make me feel all these different things--make me feel like I'm special and I'm not ugly. He's the one person that can make me cry because I can't see him or talk to him. Only this person.

Saying that he means a lot to me is such an understatement. He just doesn't mean a lot to me. I love him. "Love" in itself is such a powerful term that, well, it got its own word! Love is one of those powerful forces that can transcend all problems and situations and horrible memories and experiences. I love him. And I mean that.

I'm not gonna keep going on about all the things I like about him. That's for another time. Because there's a lot. And I mean A LOT.

DAY 01 - One guy who means a lot to you.
DAY 02 - One girl who means a lot to you.
DAY 03 - A possession that means a lot to you.
DAY 04 - Something that you look forward to doing/getting.
DAY 05 - The best gift you’ve received.
DAY 06 - Your favorite memory that a crush has given you.
DAY 07 - Your favorite summer night in 2010.
DAY 08 - Something that upsets you.
DAY 09 - One goal or wish.
DAY 10 - Someone you’d like to meet.


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