Well, at least happy for Shin. As for Jeanne, she's pretty much indifferent to the entire situation. Both of them, as well as I, are happy at the fact that our French project is over and done with. And that we got a
GG V-day pic up yesterday! =D
Shin's feeling very accomplished and Jeanne's satisfied although a bit cranky at the neck pain that followed afterwards.
And then came the chocolate... I braced myself for the mental impact and, as expected, little Shin got hyper. She soon crashed, though. Jeanne laughed.
So this Valentine's Day was actually a moderately good one. Never thought that would happen!
Anyway, I posted another Guilty Gear fic on my Fanfiction.net account. And for once, it's not crack. It was a boredom project that soon became a side-story to a picture I'm drawing for my brother (Though knowing my lack of artistry, it would turn out a bit... eh...)
On the flip side, I'm actually starting to feel some self-esteem and optimism coming back! Both of my personas cheered (although Jeanne's was a bit more like a slightly sarcastic-sounding "Whoo...") All thanks to a lovely game called
Eternal Sonata. The credits are especially moving, believe it or not. And though GG is still my number one source of anti-drug/safe-high, ES is coming pretty close as another main source XD
I should study for my history test... But then again, World War I isn't that hard, so I'll just do it tomorrow. (Damn procrastination...)
En fait, bonne jour de Valentin, mes amis! A tout a l'heure!
The side effects of my French project are still there. Happy V-day!