Dec 30, 2004 17:13
Bored waitin for lock up
best _____ of the year:
1. party: I avoided them
2. show: didnt watch any particular ones
3. cd: hmm I guess Dry Kill Logic "Dead and Dreaming"
4. movie: ...I dunno
5. song: I cant stay on one song for a whole year... but right now "Prefect Enemy" Dry Kill Logic
6. experience: I got nothing
7. concert: InFlames because I had my brother and a good friend
8. book: didnt read any
9. month: They are all a blur
10. day: Weds... Day off, Trained, hung out with the brother
worst ____ of the year:
1. party: All the ones held at my house
2. show: all reality tv
3. cd: Switch Foot
4. movie: nothing is sticking
5. song: All the covers by shitty pop stars
6. experience: Finding out there is basically no good people left in the world, the world is full of plastic people with plastic faces and rotten hearts... so few pure hearts are out there...
7. concert: Only went to the one I think
8. book: I cant read
9. month: All of them
10. Day: Thurs cuz they kicked my ass
hopes for 2005 (anyone who knows me knows I don't do that hope jive, but I'll play nice):
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2005?: People will die, people will be born, people will be sad, people will be happy I will lose all faith in humankind
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: I hope the idiots will wake up, but thats not realistic
3. what do you hope for yourself?: To finally become strong, and find more people who can be real and have beauiful hearts
4. what do you hope for your family?: to be happy
5. what do you hope for your best friend?: For him to find someone that deserves him for his trust to be rebuilt (that last part is greedy on my behalf, for if his trust is rebuilt then hopefully mine to will follow)
during 2004:
1. where were you when it began?: in my room by myself hatin everything
2. did you stay up?: I do every nght
3. what was your new year wish?: for it to end
4. how many boy/girlfriends?: 0
5. broke up?: well lets see can you break up with no one?
6. have any crushes?: yeah
7. care to mention names?: yeah, just not to all of you
8. new friends?: the girls at 1545, Moe, the people I work with at the SC and a few from the bar
9. had to say goodbye?: I'm not good at those
10. missed anyone?: I missed the way I thought people were and I missed spending time with those people but thats about it
11. win anything?: spite
12. best place you went to?: my bed
13. worst place you went to?: peoples minds
14. happiest moment?: I guess the times I spent with my bro it helped me see not everyone has an ugly heart
15. how was your birthday?: Shit I missed that one
16. best present?: my bed
Wow I am grumpy today.... Hmph
Fuck I feel like an emo kid... someone shoot me in the foot