Shingami Entry 4: Training Location...! (Locked to Kyon)

Apr 25, 2008 10:25

Kyon...! You said to let you know when and where to show up for training, right? Well, after what's happened in Tetha, I can tell you we're not gonna be training here ( Read more... )


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onlysaneguy April 26 2008, 08:42:38 UTC
Uhm... Something's come up the crazy girl who has a bad habit of stabbing me has gone and vanished and I have to stay on Base for the week end.

Afterwards is good though, Ichigo.

[strikes aren't there at all.]


shinigami_sub April 26 2008, 09:15:32 UTC
Alright; just let me know what day out of next week's good for you Kyon, and we'll start training then.


onlysaneguy April 26 2008, 09:23:20 UTC
Monday should be good, actually.


shinigami_sub April 26 2008, 09:25:05 UTC
Alright-I'll clear my schedule for Monday.


onlysaneguy April 26 2008, 09:31:19 UTC
I'll see you then, Ichigo. Take care.


shinigami_sub April 26 2008, 09:33:42 UTC
Heh; you too, Kyon. See you then.


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