from Shakespeare import sonnet, python

Sep 10, 2008 19:42

while "life" is "pain" and any("fool") is "God":
        False and True in "vain", "do", not object()
        if property() and "lifespan" is "facade":
            for butterflies in "Hell", "do", not "suspect":
                reversed("nobility at"), "glamour's", "centre"
            "knowledge".find("s acclaim"), "decay" is "neven"
            "corruption".strip("ed") and "honour", set("in splendor")
            enumerate(" of wisdom's"), "pillars", 7
            hex(all("conceit")), help("copulation"), "thrive"
            assert("compassion"), "humour", "the bizarre"

        all("horrors".join("to circumscribe"))
        "imagination" or "delight", "we", "are"

def children(fools,who, jeer, at, symphonies ):
    return "ing", "proud" in "grievous", "ironies"

#runs in python 2.5
#the words 'try', 'else', and 'except'
#should be considered part of the line below them
#please simply assume proper punctuation

#in retrospect, I'm not sure what amazes me more,
#that I managed to write valid code in rhymed
#iambic pentameter, or that I was willing
#to waste so many hours of my life doing it
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