
Apr 08, 2008 19:36

Ahaha! Well now this is twist, instead of getting younger we're all getting older. I'm rather pleased with how I turned out! Not, bad, not bad at all.

Least this is another mild curse, better enjoy it while we all can, hm?

How many we got infected here?

(say hello to 25 year old Duo!)

older and wiser, lol, curse, oh god lujei

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Backdated finetuner April 9 2008, 07:09:23 UTC
This is mild?!


lulz~ shinigami_rly April 9 2008, 18:51:51 UTC
Oh yeah, compared to some of the other things and what I've heard.


finetuner April 9 2008, 20:25:25 UTC
Other...things? L-like what?


shinigami_rly April 9 2008, 22:37:56 UTC
Well...I heard that a few of these curses can kill people, there was a witch hunt a looonnggg while ago but I wasn't here for that.


finetuner April 9 2008, 22:41:28 UTC
...Killing...? W-witch hunt....

I'm done for.


shinigami_rly April 9 2008, 22:47:38 UTC
Hey, hey! It's not always like that, it's just that this place can make people go insane sometimes.

But as I said, things have been very mild since I've been here, and it's been going on about two months now give or take.


finetuner April 9 2008, 22:49:57 UTC
Go insane?

I've only been here a week and...well, I'm exhausted!


shinigami_rly April 9 2008, 22:52:12 UTC
Yeah, it really isn't their fault most of the time. The city makes them crazy.

Yeah, this place can take a lot outta ya.

I'm Duo! Duo Maxwell.


finetuner April 9 2008, 22:53:06 UTC
This place just seems to get worse and worse....

I'm Kururu! Kururu Sumeragi. Um, are you a priest?


shinigami_rly April 9 2008, 22:55:12 UTC
It's not all bad.

Nice to meet you, Kururu! Ah ha! No, I just wear this outta habit, I was born in a orphanage.


finetuner April 9 2008, 22:56:51 UTC
I-it's nice to meet you too! I thought you looked awfully young to be a priest!

An orphanage? I'm sorry, Mr. Maxwell.


shinigami_rly April 9 2008, 23:01:38 UTC
Haha...I wouldn't have the patience to go into that profession, I'm a mechanic through and through.

Naw, it's all right, it was rather common from where I was from.

And please, Duo is just fine, I'm not even eighteen yet. No need to be that formal.


finetuner April 10 2008, 06:03:14 UTC
D-Duo then...? You're a mechanic? So am I!

The fact that it's common makes it even sadder.


shinigami_rly April 10 2008, 17:17:02 UTC
Ah! Are you? What do you mainly work on?

Hey now, it'll be all right.


finetuner April 10 2008, 20:08:19 UTC
Anything with a motor, really, but I specialize in...um...Air Treks. They're a special kind of inline skate that run on engines and increase speed, height of jumps, and air time. They're very big in my home world. What about you?

I-if you say so, Duo.


shinigami_rly April 10 2008, 20:20:49 UTC
I specialize in anything and everything, I love anything that runs on any kind of a motor. I have a talent for driving anything with a motor in it as well. I'm fixing my gundam right now, though. Maybe later I could show it to you?

Hey, if you need anything, you ask me, all right?


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