The work week seems to go by so slow but so fast! I sit down at my desk and the beginning of the week thinking "here we go," and then before I know it it's already Thursday night.
Today was the second ever day I've had to work without my supervisor (who I always always bother when I don't know something), but it felt like the first time it a lot of senses because now that it's been over a month, she explicitly told me I should be doing certain things:
I touched on this the other day, but yes - picking up the phone. Like I said I've done it a few times when my supervisor was away from her desk, but since she was gone I had to pick up the phone about 4 times today (we don't actually get too many calls). Most of the calls it went okay (tho there was some point where I said that my supervisor was 休みをいただいておりますが to someone from another department, and she repeated it like it was weird...maybe it was because we all work for the city hall and I should have said something more like 今日はお休みですが?? I don't know, keigo confounds me)...but there WAS one very horrible call where I had to transfer it - but I had no idea how, and with my very very bad luck NO ONE was around but my kacho (the super head honcho of my office!) and with no choice I looked at him with the deer in the headlights and he had to get up and run over to help me out. It was very nice of him, but he's a very gruff, huffy person so I can't tell if he was irritated/felt impatient with me, or if he just seemed angry but didn't actually care but...*sigh*
Also, this week I'm in charge of the 朝礼 (how do you say that in English?? morning assembly? according to my dictionary...but it's not school...) for this week for my section. Basically we all stand up after the morning bell, and then the person in charge says the schedule of all the people in their section. I'd gotten off the first month, but Tuesday (Monday was a holiday), my supervisor came in and perhaps purposely asked across the room, "who's in charge this week?" and everyone looked very expectantly at me.
It wasn't bad the first two mornings, because no one had anything planned, so all I had to say is 企画調整係は通常業務です〜。(Basically, our section has nothing special scheduled for the day.) BUT today, my supervisor and another person took off, so I started panicking because (this should probably go in another post) I guess it's equivalent to specialist terms, but public servants have set ways for saying/writing things for EVERYTHING and I still haven't picked it up yet. Of course I know they don't expect me to be perfect and know it already, but still. I did okay because I asked beforehand how I should say it (〜〜は〜〜のために一日休みです。〜〜は〜〜時から休暇です。)I left out saying that the rest of us had regular work schedules (あとは通常業務です)which I found out because there was a rather awkward pause after I finished. Also you'd THINK it'd be obvious, but I didn't put さん after the names of the people who were off because I swear no one else did it during chourei, but maybe I am just dumb and not paying attention and they do. Or maybe the other people who I was trying to mimic are at the top of the office hierarchy and they didn't need to, whilst I am at the very bottom of the ladder. In any case the kacho hosa (second highest in the office) came up to me afterwards and suggested that it might be good to add in that -san after people's names. Ehehe.
That was a very long rant, and now I shall throw in random pictures:
My little stash of bath stuff! All of it is from Kicchan <3<3<3
I've decided that Sunday nights are bath days, because during the weekdays I'm always too lazy to wait for the tub to fill up, and I usually wind up just showering (I already take 30 minutes just to shower).
For the next bath day <3 I'd seen this before, and now that I found it again I had to buy it! I hope it is actually good and doesn't turn out weird like that green tea one I bought the other day...
My huge chicken drumstick leg. Yesterday I was running around a bunch at work, and somehow I got my heel caught on my stockings right by my knee of all places, and ripped a gigantic hole in it. I walked very awkward for the rest of the day trying to hide it (luckily? there was only 2 hours left tho...).
Also, this past Monday holiday I went back to TOKYO! slash Keio for reunion karaoke marathon (1~8pm at Utahiroba YAAAAAY).
Before that I went to Shibuya though to play with Siki, and go shopping.
Super awesome new postcards from super awesome artist whose name I still haven't really learned! I think it's Kaori Wakamatsu. I'm slooooowly working on decorating my still very barren walls, and this is my first addition!
Lunch everyday has only been costing me about 300~400 yen a day, but I started getting really paranoid about how unhealthy that was (usually some sort of bread from the bakery) - especially how little I've eaten vegetables since arriving, so I forced myself to buy a bento box to start bringing my lunch to work. I got a single layer one so I don't over eat too. So far I've been doing okay, but it's only been a few days! It doesn't really save me money either (for a person living alone here, buying separate ingredients rather than premade stuff is actually more expensive...) but at least it soothes my conscience.
My bento set! Everything but the cup thing is from the 100 yen shop. But that cup - yes! The design is also by the same artist who did the postcards above. I wasn't planning to buy a thermos thing yet, but then I saw it and was like!!! MUST HAAAAAVE. Even though it cost me 3000 yen.. but now I save myself from buying drinks at work too, and it really is quite good at keeping my drink cold all day long. <3
The guys! And the only picture I really took all night, because I am lazy. Other people took a bunch tho, and they should be on facebook...XD
Beloved(?) Tamachi station! I was a super dork and brought back my old commuter pass (which is now nothing but a regular Suica card in reality) too. On the next holiday I reaaaaaaally really want to go down to Yokohama/Kawasaki. Now that I think about it, I haven't been yet!!
Remember this street? Tokyo Tower really is quite nice at night too...T_T
But aaaaanyways...
Click to view
Okay, I'll admit it - I reaaaaaally really like this song. Ever since I saw the commercial on TV, I couldn't help think about how catchy it was, and now I'm hooked!!
In other randomness, my laptop audio is suddenly making strange flapping? noises. I was joking about how it's getting old and maybe I jinxed it? Maybe I should invest in some computer speakers...
Also my horoscope for past the week has been absolutely dreadful. I think the highest position was #8 (out of twelve), and for three days, including today, it's been #11 (not exaggerating!) I keep telling myself to stop looking at it, but it's on the freaking NEWS when I'm trying to check the weather...T_T
Anyway I hope everyone is doing well!!