010 ↔ Text.

Jul 07, 2009 19:44

Hello again, Discedo!

A while back, I asked if anyone was interested in teaching any sort of classes as part of a school. Now, I'm here to let everyone know about the available classes, and who is teaching them. There's always room for more classes, so if you feel like teaching anything, please let me know!

We have

Mr. Yukito Tsukishiro teaching Chinese
Sora-chan teaching Cooking
Ms. Kureha teaching Doctoring
Mr. Logan teaching English
Mr. Raphael running the Gym class
Mr. Mukuro Rokudo teaching Japanese
Mr. Aziraphale teaching English Literature
Mr. Iroh teaching Martial Arts
Little Washu teaching Physics
Ms. Misaki teaching Sewing


Miss Susan teaching primary school classes.

These classes will begin whenever the teachers are ready, and anyone interested in attending a class should contact the person teaching it!

[ooc: Only the teachers that have an OOC organization/contact post listed at the school master list of classes have been included in Shinigami's list. If we accidentally missed someone, or you want your character to teach a class, or you have any questions or concerns, please leave a comment at that post.]


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