Jan 01, 2004 06:51
Um... ha, first HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!
Mines was strange.
What I remember:
- Started drinking at about 7:30 (realized drinking slowly gets you more drunk *cough*)
- Laughing hysterically for no apparent reason
- Telling everyone about my man problems
- Smashing a Smirnoff bottle in the middle of the road... at the time, I didn't see why everyone was like OMG, but I kinda get it now X_x;
- Jay setting off fireworks
- Laying down in the middle of the street
- One of Jay's fireworks falling, and shooting out into the street and straight INTO MY ASS!!! I think thats the thing that sticks out the most, especially since I got this big welt right under my left cheek >< Shit burned a hole right through my pants lmao
Other than that, dont remember much. I dont think I been that smashed in awhile. Usually I drink 2 drinks in a matter of an hour, and then I feel buzzed, but so sick I just passout. Well, this time, I was just taking sips (large ones, but still sips) for about 3 hours.... Me and Nanette were sharing them. In the end, I think I had about four or five? I usually only drink two, so thats a lot for me... lol
I'm sooooo.... something right now. I'm not sure if I have a hangover, or if I'm still buzzed. I know my head kinda hurts, but I feel tipsy. Blah.
Me and Jay came home in time to watch the ball drop. I definitely remember that. I was determined to remember that. It was nice. <3
Oh! Relationship shit.
Me and Jay talked about all that stuff, and things are okay now, BUT he wants to take a break.
At first this was devestating, then it was okay, then I didn't have any feelings about it, then I got depressed... then I drank. lol
But its only for the weekend, no biggie. Friday night, to Monday night. He's gonna stay at David's. We're gonna take the car in to be fixed on Friday, then have the shuttle drop him off at Davids, and me here.
What do I plan to do on my weekend away from the boyfriend?
First Idea: Buy a lot of sleeping pills and sleep the whole weekend.
Second Idea: Buy ecstacy and trip all weekend.
Third Idea: Get really really drunk, and not come home all weekend.
I think I might go with the 3rd one, only cause - The first one will cause me to be awake for several days afterwards, and the second one gives me a great chance of doing something really stupid.
With the drunk thing, I need to be with someone who can get alcohol... now who can that be? *cough*nanette or shanelle*cough* And they wont let me do anything too bad... unless their drunk too lol, which they probably will be.
Oh well! I'm gonna try and get some sleep. If only my head would stop pounding. X_x