(no subject)

Dec 15, 2003 02:08

Yesterday I went to Nani's house. Something I aint done in awhile. It was weird. I sat and watched Nanette play Need For Speed: Underground (Reminded me of home O.o) while Shanelle, Millie and Jose danced wildly in the center of the room. Damn Puerto Ricans. They think just because I'm a spic too that I should of been dancing. Psh. I did get stoned though. I didn't mean to. I was doing so good. Hadn't smoked in 3 weeks... but Shanelle offered me some. We were gonna split it, but she started choking after one hit, so she told me to finish it. -.-; I was gone for 3 hours. I didn't really miss it either. It just depresses me and I always feel like shit the next day. Plus, I had to drive us to Nanette's house, and Shanelle decided to bring a bottle of opened Bacardi in the car. The combination wasn't very good on me. I was spazzin like a mofo.

Eh. Anyways, Shanelle got this "Straight to the Maxx" thing and that shit is cool! She got the flat iron for it, and it straightened my hair in like, 2 seconds. I was like woah. Like woah... ha...

I'm watching this Korn video. Nasty. This cartoon guy is doing all this weird shit.

Jay asked me to hang out with some friends of his yesterday. Some guys from work, and this girl Serena who was lonely cause she was the only girl. Er, of course I said no. I'm extremely shy, and to be thrown into a group of friends, and expected to make good with some chick I dont know... I dont think so. I probably woulda just smiled at her uncomfortably, and not have said more than 2 words. Jay's like "There was Smirnoff there" like that was supposed to make me feel better about it. I think it'll be good for us once he gets his own car. That way, he can hang out all night without worrying about the "wife at home".

Honestly, I can't stand him being out. Every minute that goes by I'm just tearing my hair out, but, I try not to say anything. As much as my head screams at me "Make him come home now!" I say "Its okay if you stay out a couple more hours. Sure, I dont mind. Just dont forget my food." Ha, foods an excuse!! I dont eat all day, so that when he calls I can just be like "I'm starved! Please come home soon!" X_x I'm a horrible girlfriend.

I mean, he leaves at 5 am to go to work... then gets out at like, 4 pm, but then hangs out and drinks beers with his friends till 6 or 7 pm, leaving me to spend about 2 or 3 hours with him before he goes to sleep. =( I dunno, I guess I just miss him is all... at least he spends his days off with me... and thats not even the case all the time.

Him and Donnie have the same days off, and thats his best friend, so you know they need some time together... sometimes I hang out with them. I dont mind Donnie nowadays. I was kind of jealous of him before... lol, but he's cool. I talk to him online sometimes. We have some weird conversations. O.o; I try to get into a deep conversation with him, but we always end up just insulting each other. lol

I guess I just need a life outside of my boyfriend. ><

I've finally seen a new (to me) episode of Queer As Folk! Gyah, how I missed it!!!! Justin is friggin hot with his long hair... and Brian looks sexy as usual... and omg! Ted and Emmett together??? Cute, but weird at the same time. Micheal is having a baby with Melanie!? Wow. A lot has changed. It was episode... er.... 10 or 11 I think, of the 3rd season.

PLUS!! They said that QAF is coming with NEW epsiodes in the Spring!! I'm so exicted. So I can catch up with Season 3 by the reruns, and then watch the 4th season when it comes out. =D This is great. Yay!

My diet is doing better. I've stayed under 1,500 calories a day and under 30g of Fat calories. Umm, I dunno about the carbs. I been kinda bad on that, but you can't watch everything!! ^^;

I haven't had a real soda in four days. -.-; I've diet this, diet that, and Propel water. Mmm, I <3 Propel water. Yum.

Can't wait to see what my measurements are two weeks from now! ^_^
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