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Mar 26, 2008 15:50

updato time!

so i was sick most of last week. had just a really stupid and messed up friday at work, then came down with something over the weekend (sunday) and actually took monday off. weird cold of some sort (sniffling, sore throat, slight cough, woozy head the first night) went in on tuesday because we were in middle of putting together this ginormous bugaboo consumer connections presentation. after surviving another 2 hour conference call, the hr sent me an email with the subj reading "should you really be here right now?" haha. so i took the majority of tues off too.

then i worked through last weekend to get everything out and done by sunday. realized once again, talking to some friends that are still in college, that college world and work world are completely different. They couldn't fathom why any one would be working on a sat or sun. most of my working friends would be, "oh, man, that sucks. someone fuck up? client pitch?" whereas most of my college friends always go, "OMFBBQ WHY WHY WHY!? it's sat! i cant comprehend! brain exploding!"

lol jk. it's not that bad. it's just funny how they take their chillaxin lives for granted right now. but hey, i was the same way at one point too haha.

i guess what i'm saying is that it's hard to explain to people why i'm working on sundays/sats without explaining what my working life is like haha.


so, what else is up? was supposed to go skydiving again with the mom and coworkers, but my mom just got sick, so it's been called off. will have to wait till they get back from taiwan i guess. boo. ah wells.

watched a bunch of japanese movies too: all about lily chou chou, hana and alice, hula girls, rewatched swing girls too. good stuffs. all about lily chou chou is one crazy film. i still need to get through the stack of other movies i have from vince and cam haha.

went to the hammer museum yesterday with some coworkers to check out the screening of bjork's newest vid (rendered in 3D! though i was standing at a bad angle so it was slightly blurry through my 3d glasses) and some other short films by various emerging/semi-famous artists. pretty neat.

and on the topic of art, i know i promised i'd start linking to artists i loved a year back but never continued to do so haha. so now, here are some people to check out (disclaimer: this is all totally my taste...people whose art i can just not get enough of):

chiara bautista (the deer girl with a shotgun pic that's on my desktop right now is by her)

audrey kawasaki (went to see her solo exhibit a couple of weeks ago. awesome stuffs ;])

brandi milne (do i have something for wood paintings? maybe...)

chisami t (something completely diff but oh so vibrant)

more to come later. hope you enjoy 'em! ;]
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