"Can't hold me down cuz you know I'm a fighter..."
- When in doubt, BTS (Lyrics to "ON")
This morning started out with Uber locking down my account cuz I rejected one too many rides in favor of Steven, my regular driver. Thing is, none of it makes sense to me cuz he's always like, 5mins away from me whereas other drivers are sometimes 19mins away. Why not select the closest driver?
How am I gonna turn this into a positive points post? Welp, worry no more! Immabout to tell you! See, because of what happened this morning, Steven, feeling incredibly bad for my account being locked even tho' neither of us cuz have seen it coming, offered to pick me up and not only did he run me to Walmart, he's not gonna charge me! How sweet is that?! I assured him that I in no way thought this was his fault, but he insisted so I obliged.
I'm glad cuz I was stressing how this was gonna come together 'til I got paid, but the universe managed to find a way.
Before I wrap this up, apparently, Danielle and I are on the outs (I say apparently cuz I could be reading too far into her unfriending me on Facebook... Honestly, I'm not a fan of passive aggressive stuff. If you have a problem, speak up. As long as you're respectful in your approach, I'm open to any/all opinions/issues. If you can't, obviously you're the only one with the problem *shrugs*) cuz I refuse to stop calling Elizabeth the kids' mother. Actually, now that I think about it, Aunt Carroll mentioned it the other day too when I called her to tell her about Player 456's family still attempting to guilt me into offering up $$$ I don't have for his incarceration stint. (I was kind enough to point out that I do the majority of my shit on foot and without help so I dunno what they were expecting from me. He isn't even up for child support. I mean… What? *shrugs* Apparently, they would appreciate $300. I would be offended, but you gotta give those people credit for maintaining the same energy, bullshit or not…)
She was like: "And you need to stop giving Elizabeth so much credit in your life." As much as I adore my mommy, we don't always see eye to eye and when it comes to Elizabeth, I'm not quite sure why, but we never will.
Imma be honest here, I zoned out as soon as I heard "need to". Why? Now we all know how I feel about unsolicited advice. Hate it. Can't stand it. Won't listen to it. "Need to" and "You better" are huge triggers in my life and one quick jog around this place reveals exactly why. Truth is, I shouldn't hafta defend my parental choices. I don't think anyone should have to cuz be it good or bad, you hafta live with your choices in your children's lives… So yeah, with just that knowledge alone, of course Imma do what's best for not only me, but them. Truth is, at the end of the day, I don't care. There. I said it. If the biggest problem someone thinks I have is I prefer to call Elizabeth the kids' mom, I think that's pretty freaking good. You know what? Yay me! I've never cared about appearances. I'm not about to start now. Plus that, it would feel dismissive to remove her title of "mommy" in my eyes and that's one of the huge reasons as to why I refuse to speak to my uterus donor to this very day. She placed Aunt Carroll in our lives as a parent and then decided to belittle/discredit her and I'm not sure what really happened but, I always found that to be disgusting. Removing Elizabeth could cause the kids emotional damage seeing as how not only have they already lost a parent in Player 456, they were raised with her as the 3rd parent. Does anybody think about that when they're out there deciding what I should be doing? *looks around* No, of course not...
Truth is, I've always found it weird when people weigh in on stuff that they don't know all the details to. Elizabeth understands why I prefer things this way and I appreciate that she accommodates my way of parenting. She could have told me she had no interest. I mean, there was plenty of time to bow out, but no…
^Here's the mother's day post I made for her this year. I make one every year, but this one had more truth and less surface knowledge than normal. (And let's be real and let's be honest: I prettied it up greatly. Elizabeth not only put up with, she saw a lot of shit and not once did she bail) I don't expect people to understand it. Shit, I don't even expect people to respect it. All I want is for people to leave me alone about it.
How many times do I hafta say that I don't care what people think before people realize this is not a drill? I stopped saying and started showing (Cuz the act of telling someone you don't give a shit shows care cuz you had to care enough to say that) and that still didn't change anything.
We have, as a people, become so comfortable with policing one another that the second someone attempts to disagree, we're immediately offended/agitated. We just want people to do what we want them to do... Without acknowledging that everyone is allowed to move throughout life how they see fit... Yup, even the murderers. Sure, your ass is going to prison, but if that's your destiny, by all means, do you boo boo. My point is, we've gotta stop attempting to water other people's grass, especially grass we haven't been invited to. The real question is: How do my choices directly effect anyone's lives outside of my kids and Elizabeth? That's all I truly care about
Pfft. People are fucking annoying.
Yes, my family included.
No, I don't always feel this way.
Yes, I still love them.
No, it's not gonna stop me from considering Elizabeth a mother. (She'll probably be a better grandmother than me too)
Why? Cuz I really, really don't care about how people feel about how I run my life. Seeing as how I stay in my own lane, nothing I do is up for debate…
No matter who may trick themselves into believing it is *shrugs*
PS: Entry edit 6/2/2022
I didn't wanna start a new entry for a positive point and seeing as how I posted this today, I figured I would go ahead and slap this here too
Soooooooo... Yesterday when I went to Walmart, there was 0% water, even in the baby section so I shrugged and decided I would just get it from my job only to be told when I got here that we were outta gallon jugs and we no longer sell half gallon teas. I was distraught! Guess what happened?! Toya pointed at our ice machine and on top, pushed to the back was literally ONE GALLON JUG! Now tell me that's not the universe looking out for me... You can't. I wouldn't believe it.
PS2: My Uber driver took me home for free today so I've saved about $60 based off the Uber block. Yay!!! You know what? I'm glad 😌😌😌