The Last Couple Days...

Apr 06, 2022 10:12

"I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but if I had any issues I would talk to you not Tyler, lol"
- Tyler's mom (Ya know, something about this situation seems eerily familiar. It's off. Imma respect Mo's boundaries, but at the same time, Imma be doing quite a bit of this: 👀👀👀)

Before we get into the gig, I dropped my phone and broke the screen yesterday. Unfortunately, Imma hafta wait for the replacement, but luckily I'm pretty good at replacing screens on stuff. *sighs in poverty*
Anywho, Sunday was the Scammys. I didn't watch, but I might look it up just for those gratuitous camera pans to BTS.

^I am so angry that they didn't win. I watched their performance on YouTube Monday night tho'. Ugh, the Scammys did not deserve that coat trick. (Crazy part is, this was tame considering what I've seen them pull off at other Award shows.) Oh! Oh! And that card throw was no trick of the camera/eye. Jungkook really caught that shit! (He stays catching shit outta thin air tho'. It's Jungkook I mean, the man's entrance involved coming down from the ceiling! That's our golden maknae 💜💜💜) Seeing as how both he and Hoseok are fresh outta quarantine, they really did a great job. Unfortunately, Jin couldn't join in on the actual dance due to his cast, but they found a way to include him.
Imma be honest: Out of all of their English tracks, I truly believed Butter was the one that would award them a Scammy. And yes, I do mean more than Dynamite. Dynamite is a weaker track. I love the song, but it pales in comparison to Butter. Now, I understand if they started making tracks in English to get nominated for Scammys, but as a track, Butter pales to songs like Bulletproof: The Internal or even Spring Day for that matter and that's just the truth.
Saturday was Mo's 1st date. We both thought it went rather well… We went to an escape room. I would love to get a group together and do this again. *shrugs* Just saying

Cut to yesterday, Mo comes home with all these different "observations" when it comes to the evening based off what her boyfriend's mom and brother said. What's funny is, what they were "observing" were things I thought were funny about the evening. I respect people's differences because we can't all live/think/move the same and unfortunately, there will always be differences.
Apparently, Tyler's brother thought he deserved an apology because he thought I called him dumb… Which I would never do. I just wouldn't. What I said was: "A college degree doesn't dictate intelligence." Because he's already in college courses which I think is great cuz he's in middle school but he kept acting like he was smarter/better than everyone which to me, was off putting. There's alot to learn in the world and the majority of it is humbling. It is known. I can't apologize for an honest observation. I can, however, admit that I saw alot of myself at that age so it's the only reason I said that… And be accountable enough to admit it wasn't my place to say. There's more to life than intelligence. I shouldn't have said anything, but if there was a problem, something should have been said immediately. That's just me tho'.
I've never been good at being passive aggressive. I have an in your face mentality and if left unchecked, I will operate as if I'm in the right… Which I'm highly aware I do so I make sure people tell me if I have offended them, which I used to didn't care enough to do but true accountability starts in house. You can point at others without ever pointing at yourself.
I dunno how to handle kids dating and shit because I didn't grow up with healthy examples. I grew up in a toxic environment so my main goal is for my kids to live better than I ever could. I want them to do/better than me. I know alot of parents try to live through their kids, but no. That's not good. (Either that, or they're secretly jealous so they try to sabotage them on the sneaky tip. (Ugh... Jesus, gross...)
Cuz my ass isn't always right.
Nope. It most certainly isn't.
I dunno. I'm starting to think this whole situation isn't what it was presented to me as. As I told Mo, I will work on my approach to the situation so as not to ruin this for her, but Imma keep an eye out cuz this reminds me of when Player 456 and I got together and his mom was pulling the strings behind the scenes instead of allowing him to live/learn on his own. To this very day, he's still dealing with the fallout from that. He doesn't know how to stand on his own two feet because she's always supporting the weight. I don't do that for mine. I warn them of possible outcomes then I keep it pushing. I don't manipulate nor try to control them cuz that's the very foundation that rebellion is birthed on. It is known. Plus that, interference from me will have them constantly looking back for my solutions/approval and unfortunately, I won't live forever. Not only that, I don't want their lives to revolve around what I think/feel.
What else? Oh, Player 456 (After he finally decided to show his face... Ya know, I'm tired of hearing how embarrassed he feels about how all this went down. I'm ready to be shown now. Less talk, more action. This isn't about me or him. It's about how this entire situation looks to these kids. After everything that has happened, I don't think I'm wrong for that) told me part of the reason he can't get rid of Methany is cuz his mom said if he puts her out, she'll always have a home in the main house. Ya know, I'm running out of care in this situation. A momma's boy mentality creates Peter Pan Syndrome in so many men.. Meaning they don't grow up. Not all, but most men with this mindset don't really have a chance in life. They are forever little boys cosplaying as grown men. (*points* See why Mo's situation with her boyfriend has garnered my attention?) If he really wanted her gone, outside of murder, he woulda figured it out by now. Shit, you get a job and you move. Fuck them.
Eh, toxic people problems.
Not mine.
PS: Max needs to hurry up with his edits cuz he did a shoot with the kids 2wks ago, but you wouldn't know it cuz there's no proof 😂😂😂

relationships, conversations, bts

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