Rupaul's Drag Race Season 14: Episode 3...

Jan 27, 2022 15:16

"Oh well, at least I'm still the youngest looking in the face."
- Willow (After observing that she is not, in fact, the skinniest this season… Man, I want my own Willow 😭😭😭)

Since this episode revolves mostly around the ball, Imma talk about everything that happened until that point...
Starting with…
*** Every time a queen talks about losing their family over their sexuality, a part of me is reminded of how I grew up. As an African American, it's crazy how in our community we are more likely to blow the doors off the hinges for a convict (Doesn't even matter what they have done. Drug dealers who willingly sell drugs knowing that they introduced crack into our neighborhoods specifically to break us down, aren't even condemned for their fuck shit. And let's not forget the deadbeat dads whose mommy still swears to high noon that he's just "finding his way". Oh, and you don't know how many families have "that one uncle". You know the one. You know he exists, but yo ass sure as shit ain't allowed to spend the night at his house) than we are to support/accept a LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ child. I could list off the crimes I've seen openly forgiven vs. someone just living their truth, but it pisses me off. It always does and seeing Kornbread's tears were no exception. Sometimes family is the one holding the knife higher than an enemy 😐😐😐
*** Angie's friendship with Lady Camden. Bruh, I want that. Every time Lady Camden burst out laughing at her impression of Angie, I couldn't help but laugh too. As the two most recognizable accents on this season, I love them so much
*** I am all over this episode cuz I do declare, I completely forgot to mention that Orion and Daya are back! I'm glad tho' cuz those first out queens are generally immediately forgotten. Lemme see if I can name the 1st outs from every season without cheating. Bruh, I can remember like, 9. For 14 seasons, that's pretty good. It would be 10, but without cheating, all I could remember was they said she was wearing bacon *shrugs* That and if you forgot Pork Chop, Shangela, Vanjie, the one who was dragged through the entirety of the season as broccoli (I'm ashamed that Dahlia Sin was one of the ones whose names I forgot. All I could remember is her being a "Fierce Brocc-Ali") and Kahmora Hall, do you really watch the show cuz they found ways to keep them on your mind *laughs*
*** June isn't exactly upset about Orion's return, but it isn't exactly the best news she's heard all year either. Ya know, this kinda sux cuz instead of Orion, now the first out is (SPOILER WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️) June. (We'll get to how momentarily)
*** Kornbread constantly calling Daya "Diabetica" was the cutest thing. She was so sure! Oh, the dragonfly! I just read that Kornbread did give Daya that $1000 she said she would if she ate that dragonfly. Daya said it tasted like grass. The horror! 😱😱😱 For $1000, not gonna lie, I woulda done that shit too
*** Willow Pill is funny in a "that shouldn't be funny, but it's too late, you're already laughing" kinda way. I'm a huge fan of that.
*** Speaking of Willow, her friendship with Kornbread is officially the stuff of legends. Kornbread stepping in the comfort her cuz her joints were starting to ache while making her garment almost made me burst into tears. She started helping Willow while Willow warmed her hands on the cup and I… If it's not Kornbread or Willow, the only other winner I'll accept is a Angie/Lasy Camden combo. I like that Willow tends to appear as tho' she's fine even when she's not. No, I don't like it for her. I mean I saw myself in that cuz I'm like that. I always keep this air of perfectly fine slathered across me even when it couldn't be further from the truth. It seems a little hypocritical to be as much of a worrier as I am only to flip it on its head and hate it with a passion when people worry about me, but here I am, out here making it work *laughs*
Oh! Oh! One more thing: Am I alone in thinking this episode shoulda had two winners? I mean, they split the queens right down the middle then gave one set three categories then did the same with the other three. So wouldn't two winners make sense? You can't judge basically two separate balls with one winner. That makes no sense. I mean, i agreed with the outcome, but the other winner not on should have, it could have been Angie. Also, I sincerely wish they would stop doing the balls with so many queens. It takes the fun out of it. There's entirely too much to look at/remember when they do that mess. *sighs* End rant.
And now...
I thought it out and because of how many looks there were, (Coupled with the fact this ball was missing oomf. Kinda like RuPaul was telling Maddy about her runways. It was missing that 😲😲😲 feeling) I've decided the smartest thing for me would be to just stick to Willow (Who actually won the ball) and Angie who coincidentally were both on opposite sides of the ball line. This episode practically wrote itself! There should have been two winners 🙄🙄🙄

^Tho' all of these are QUEEN material, the 1st one is a soft queen. I'm glad she decided to do a different take on zebra print, but it took me too long to like it as much as I do now. Out of all three, I love the one she actually made the most

^QUEEN... The way her red ensemble flows around her kinda reminds me of Detox's jellyfish runway from Season 5. Am I the only one seeing this? 👀👀👀 Anyway, it's also my favorite out of the three.
I've already spoiled June going home, but I didn't talk about Maddy joining her at the bottom and the hilarity that ensued when RuPaul was explaining what Maddy was missing. Now, they kept swearing to high noon that RuPaul's interesting behavior was caused by a coffee enema (Which I still need to look up cuz I wanna know if it's real), but I think RuPaul was high on *cough cough* Life. I mean, at this point, I don't care one way or the other. The only reason why I gained an interest was because they kept saying "coffee enema" over and over. Generally speaking, when people keep repeating stuff vehemently like that, there's usually a reason and that reason is the exact opposite of what they keep repeating. Just saying.
Either way, this was a great episode. I was thoroughly entertained.
Bye bye June! 💜💜💜

television, rupaul, drag race

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