Jul 20, 2015 12:44
"I know. I was there."
- Me
I am in a weird mood. Let me explain. See, David and Kyle's mom called to warn me because when they went to the mountains, David and Kyle's dad's widow made the comment that she wanted to off herself to go be with David and Kyle's dad. When she was told she couldn't just kill herself, she uttered: "Brittney did." Now, why did I need to know this? Because she said it in front of Kylee. (Had I been present, I woulda flipped out which means it was a good thing I wasn't there because that wouldn't have helped at all. Facts.)
Britteny did not kill herself. I need to say that. I dunno why anyone would think that but, no. She didn't. It was a huge mess which ended in an accident and I don't wanna talk about it because I'm on the way to the beach with the kids so I would rather be in a weird mood than a sad mood.
Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, she wanted me to know what she told Kylee because on Friday, Kylee asked how Brittney died. Honestly, I thought we had YEARS before it was ever gonna come up. I was wrong. It happens. I have conversations with the kids all the time but when it comes to Brittney, I really don't. Not often. If she comes up, I talk, but more times than not, all things Brittney are locked in the back of my head in a purple box covered with layers of love and hurt. Oh, and glitter.
I think David and Kyle's mom thinks I would tell Kylee something different. I wouldn't. I don't like when people do it to me so I don't do it to other people. Plus that, I believe for someone like Kylee, if having faith keeps her calm and happy, no one has the right to change that. Then again, I'm like that with religion in general. As long as you're not out to harm anyone, by all means, do you. No one has the right to take faith from anyone. It's just wrong. Everyone clings to something to get through life. This I understand probably more than anyone.
I think David and Kyle's Dad's widow needs to see a therapist. True story. She needs to learn about triggers and stuff. I should know. I'm also manic depressive and as we know, I respect my triggers more than a virgin on her wedding night.
I miss you Brittney. I need to say that. I always will. You're in my heart. Always. Swear.
Oh, and I hope you like the wedding.