My Babies Are Awesome... And Some Random Banter...

Jun 24, 2014 07:34

"Good night, you're awesome."
- David
"Yeah, I know. It's a burden I must bear." *laughs* "I hafta be awesome so the people beneath me can be stupid."
- Me
"Does that mean they have to walk in your awesome sauce?"
- David
"Why yes... Yes it does."
- Me

Laurynn just told me she loves me. It's the clearest thing I've ever heard her say outside of "Daddy" and "Kylee." She was leaving the room, stopped and said "I love you" before running out. How adorkable is that?! Then she came back and wanted me to put on her shoes. She told me she loved me last night too when I told her she couldn't sleep with me. That's how she ended up in the bed with me. Now that I think about it, she used to same tactic to shower with me. Awkward. I hate showering with babies. They always wanna touch stuff. Networking at such a young age... *laughs* I am oh so very proud.
Today has been a rather calm day. The kids were kids and I am thinking about publishing like a coke head anticipating a bump. (Yes, I went there. Sue me. Send me the bill) Anyway, SA has decided he wants to redo Sherry's 30day writing challenge for Ramadan. He said he knows it can be done and now he wants to prove it. So yeah, we're doing it all over again!
Well, you didn't notice it but I've been gone for a couple hours. I'm walking around on my work walk now. *sighs* Kiddos went home yesterday. I'm thinking about taking this Ramadan to really focus on me and figure out what I want outta my life. I'm perseriously starting to frustrate myself with my lack of focus.
Focus, Shinigami... Focus damn you!
PS: Sunday my sister (Leisha) hopped across the pond to study abroad. I'm so proud of her. Never have I ever wanted to go to London but, I'm excited for her :)

kids, stuff, thoughts, babies, shinigami, laurynn

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