Jan 14, 2014 21:38
"I thought it was really good, and there was a lot explained in this book, especially about Poppy Creeks. Oh and Zo kind of came into her own which was really cool!"
"I really liked your conversations too! Even with many people in the same room all talking together I could follow who said what and it flowed very easily!"
"The whole story was great! I loved Archer's definitions of words and his story of how he first went to the facility."
"I was disappointed because I read the whole thing late last night and a busy morning at work made me forget to text or message you, but I was reading and they were just going to the train station with Snow and I noticed there were only, maybe eight pages left to the book. Ugh, I hate that! Just when it's getting good and poof, no more pages, I must wait for the next book... arrrrgh!"
"I felt so bad for them when they were kids though :( There were chapters before on their time in the facility when they were younger but Archer's experiences and his family for the first three years of his life were very traumatic!"
"I think it all came together for me, just combining all of their stories and you start to understand each of them in a much better way, it really makes the story come alive. Raina's reactions to Archer and Zo's... I just understand them all more now and Archer's experiences really made a different impression on me, I really loved it! It was a pretty quick read actually, the whole thing just flowed through and before I knew it his story was done."
"Yes! Archer's optimism made a lot more sense, along with his apparent behavior of always being left out or by himself."
"I hope they fuck Spews up... just saying."
*points* All of the above quotes were provided by Evan... Well, I hafta learn to say Evelyn because he is transitioning and I think that is AMAZING. Because of my word association issues tho', it is a work in progress.
I wanted to include her whole review but, it included way too many spoilers. Her take on the 1st chapter "Three" was spot on! Man, I wanted people to understand why Archer is the way he is. It was very important to me because out of the 5 of them, Archer wasn't based on a person. He's based off one of my flaws that people tend to find rather annoying. *laughs* I decided to take that and grow Archer in the back of my brain. I'm guessing it was a HUGE SUCCESS!!! Did I mention I love Evelyn? I do. When she reads my stuff, her reviews are so detailed. I appreciate it. She's not just like: "I read it." She's like: "I read it and here's what I think about this, this, this and this." For this, I am grateful because I know she is invested in my characters.
I can't wait 'til it's all over... Like, perseriously. I cannot wait until I scrawl that last line. I dunno what my next creative venture will be but, I do know Soul of Moons is the one that counted most.