Dude that I used to hang out with, from grade until end-ish of high school, totally is dead since 2007. And another guy/schoolmate is also dead, though I don't remember much past his name. Fecking weird man. Both were killed in what's assumed to be gang shootings. Both dead in the same month. Both shot.
Weird for me, as this is the first time people I knew well are dead and my same age range, I even think me n Tyrone shared a birthday month... not 100% I used to hang out with both Tyrone and his bro, mostly in junior high when we went off campus to go buy/steal candy from the local quick-mart store. Ah, the good ole days... just had to share, weird thing to find out all of a sudden.
Not a good intro to my neighborhood :( In other news, working at Uncles now and rocking the maths at school. Mom is going for surgery, so I will be out next week in Lakewood-land. Uhm... my cat is finally starting to lose weight and so am I (again :p). Weather is scaring me a bit: Washington is NOT supposed to have heat lightning and muggy weather!! And yeaa... think that's it for me. Go go magic update button.
The pig is afraid of dirt so he wears boots, you see.