Jun 08, 2011 16:56
Hello any readers out there who haven't fully succumbed to the siren song of twitter and facebook. To the faithful blog reader (of good stuff and cool stuff obviously) I do salute you. For those not in the know, I'm back from Hyles Anderson College for the summer. I've taken some time to take a look back at the last few years here on Livejournal and I was entertained by what I read and also gagged at my early writing style.
Professor Kevin Pilkington, author of Ready to Eat the Sky, once told me that you can't really teach writing, when you're young you know nothing when you think you know everything. That's probably why writers when first starting out churn out shallow work: it isn't necessarily bad, but it lacks substance and polish.
I've known many of you for more than a decade and know that you are not the mere young strappling pups of writing that we once were. We now have our share of scars; we can list our various defeats without a thought; the regrets that we have are carefully tucked away in our minds, we suppress them but we know they're there. On the other hand we also have a great number of victories where we rose up beyond our capabilities and pulled ourselves out of the mires of our mistakes. We have great memories that we don't want to forget and a few that we do. We have seen the consequences of our decisions and whether they were good or bad, they have led to where we are now.
I'd like to extend a rally cry to all those who write and I say write. Dust off that old script and rework it, rewrite that chapbook of your poetry, open up that journal again and write. Maybe you had the inkling to pen words on a page but never did, you have the scars and more importantly the trophies of the past few years to serve as a the fueling fire for your writing.
God has blessed many with the gift of writing and many of you don't even realize the talent you have. I say jump into the writing and see just where it can take you. Let the light of your gift shine for all to see, don't keep it tucked away. Ideas that have no action stay ideas, but ideas with action pushing it along can change the world for the better.
They keep on saying that change is coming, lets not wait for it. If America is to change, all it takes is one person's talents to do it. Why can't it be yours?