The Robin With No Wings

Jul 21, 2009 19:05

Chapter: One-Shot
Category: Nabari no Ou/Kuroshitsuji
Genre: Romance
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: One-sided Smile/Yousei.
Comment: AU. Whore!Miharu. Dedicated to astrialite and khibz. Happy birthday ♥

The Robin With No Wings

by Lily M.

Smile stared at the two of them. Yousei’s smirk carried a mischief that should be pretty much above any normal individual’s capability. Madam Red carried stars in her eyes that shone more than her bright red clothes and the bright red room that they were in.

“Why… did it have to be me, again? I am entirely convinced that Yousei would have looked better in this.”

He wouldn’t have gone to Madam Red’s room if he had known. Hell, he probably shouldn’t have gone anyway. She was a charming lady and he loved her, but if she called him in that singing voice of hers, he knew he was in it for trouble.

But it was her birthday, he kept trying to convince himself to endure it. He had to do it, if only to show a fraction of the care he had for her. She had taken care of him during all these years since the… accident. She was his family. Even to the point of being more of a mother hen than his actual mom had been.

And she had stars in her eyes, dammit.

“S-Smile, my dear! You look absolutely charming!”

He absolutely did not.

He just looked absurdly like a girl.

Which he supposed was the whole point.

“Yes, you do,” said Yousei with a giggle. Oh, Smile’s world sure was in it for trouble when Yousei giggled. He stretched out his hand and bowed his body, looking up at Smile, blinking those gorgeous eyes slowly, in mock flirt. “Can I have this dance?”

Smile was outraged. He took a step forward, but the foreign high heels made him lose his balance slightly, falling into the open arms of a deeply amused Yousei.

“It’s not funny!” Smile’s voice was an octave higher than usual. He blamed hormones.

Madam Red hugged him - and Yousei along. Her chest almost crushed him against the slightly taller teenager. He was sure he wasn’t going to be breathing in the next few seconds.

“Of course it isn’t! We’re being deadly serious! You look adorable!”

Smile was never one to go for adorable. If he didn’t know better, he’d have suspected Yousei had a slight hand on all of this. But since it was Madam, it was likely she had had the idea all by herself. Yousei probably didn’t even think about helping his case, though.

Upon her request, he did go and dance with Yousei. His clumsy steps were taken care of by the slim but firm arms of Yousei, who waltzed with him around the room. The Madam took pictures and looked slightly flushed - Smile kept telling himself that he would never want to know the thoughts running through her mind when she thought all of that up.

It probably didn’t last an hour. She took plenty of pictures and hugged him, apparently satisfied. Smile didn’t waste time in hurrying to his room to change his clothes, Yousei in tow.

“Remind me to never agree with her ideas again.”

Yousei laughed.

“You know you always will.”

He closed the door behind him, leaning against it and keeping his hands clasped behind his back. Smile sat down on his bed and proceeded to take off the offending boots. The usual long hair falling down bare shoulders were a huge bother. He reached behind him, but he couldn’t untie the ribbons properly.

“Here, let me.”

Yousei walked over and sat behind him, and Smile turned his attention to the choker around his neck instead.

Yousei’s fingers were cold against his back, and Smile couldn’t help but shiver. They made a light trail on his shoulder blades before he actually went for the ribbons. Smile took off the choker, and he felt the dress going looser, and the corset under it, and before he knew it, Yousei’s arms had encircled his middle.

Smile’s breath was uneven with Yousei’s own against his neck. Keeping one arm around him, Yousei guided Smile’s right hand up, and proceeded to take off his glove with his mouth. Smile was sure his face was brighter than the pink dress he was still wearing.

After both gloves were gone, Yousei drifted his attention back to Smile’s neck. He planed soft kisses on the pale skin, careful not to leave any marks. Smile shivered again. He left a trail of kisses, moving up, to his ear. He nibbled lightly, and Smile could feel his smirk he brought his knees up, feeling a heat eradicating from between his legs that couldn’t have been caused by the dress.

Yousei undid the ribbon that held the hat on Smile’s head in place and threw it away somewhere in the room, the wig along with it. He kissed Smile’s right eyelid, the one with the color Smile didn’t like, and held him tighter in his arms.

“So,” he started, his boyish voice a whisper close to Smile’s ear. “What do you want for your birthday?”

Smile answered. Yousei smiled.

But Yousei wasn’t there when December came.

Smile wished he had wished for something simpler.

After all, don’t your wings melt if you get too close to the sun?

fandom:nabari no ou, fandom:kuroshitsuji, one-shot

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