Feb 24, 2007 23:05
The Shinigami Academy Mandatory Bonding Experience!
In order to promote student friendships and good student/teacher relations, both of which will be beneficial to your studies here, everyone is required to take part in the bonding activities planned. They will take place outside, between the Academy and the dormitories. No student is permitted to leave the grounds during this time.
Becoming a shinigami is not an easy task, and not one that can be done alone. Therefore, we ask that every student discover one new thing about at least five other students. Roommates are excluded, as this activity has been designed to create new friendships rather than strengthen old ones. There are fourteen students total. If you seek out information about more than the required five, extra credit will be given.
In addition to this, every student is required to discover one new thing about at least five teaching assistants. There are seven total. The TAs are here to help you. Get to know them now, so that when the time comes for you to look beyond classes to excel, you will know who to turn to.
TAs are required to do exactly what the students must do.
Teachers must find out information about at least five students. TAs are excluded. This will help them recognize and identify their students in the classrooms, larger ones especially.
Please email the information to me when you are finished, and have fun! Any students caught attempting to leave the grounds will be subject to assist Professor Urahara for a day, in whatever tasks he sees fit to give them.
soutaichou post