Crazy ass dream....

Jul 09, 2012 15:33

So basically I had one hell of a dream and just decided to jot it down, I do that with some of the really weird ones.

I'm pretty sure this happened from a combination of late night Taco Bell, a lack of sleep and the fact that I was worried out of my freaking mind because my dog, the love of my life, the dog I've had for 7 years and raised from an 8 week old pound puppy was sick from dawn until dusk last night.

Good news is the vet cleared her for all major illnesses so it's essentially just the flu that got out of control, unless there is a blockage in her bowels from eating something she shouldn't have. The chances of that are pretty slim though, because she is going number just isnt pretty, and she's not the type to eat things she shouldn't, in fact, she turns her nose up at a lot of things.

For example, she will eat a piece of apple WITHOUT the skin on it, but will spit out a piece with the skin on it..

Okay enough of that, onto the weird dream

Stars out with this idea of a cat not in a well...but sorta in a shaft of that nature, maybe a well because there was water at the bottom. Another cat is beneath it and tries to help out by pushing it up but that doesn't work and cat #2 falls in the water while cat #1 gets out. Cat 2 dies and next thing I see is like...vauge farm ish area and two people like a grown up and a young teen-

What can I say, dreams aren't fluid ya know?

Kid is holding dead cat but it's sorta the farm lesson of everything dying sorta...suddenly farm kid is Percy from TFA and there's this notion that he's immortal in a world of non immoral's, or that he's lived a really long time compared to everyone else

Cut scene and suddenly it's some big celebration, Las Vegas sticks out in my mind.

Lots of lights and neon and stuff.

The song 'Gold on the Ceiling' sticks out, I see Sideswipe's face but it's like...I don't know...he's really bukly like Hulk Hogan steriods bulked up and there's the idea that Sides is dating Percy's grand daughter, don't see her or anything just something that passed my messed up stressed mind. Cue these giant doors opening from like...maybe a convention hall? Tons of people come pouring out like a parade with Sunny and Sides in a group of like six mechs that are Omega Supreme sized and just really, really bulky and they are walking in a line down the road pretty slow while everyone is pouring around their feet.

Cue back to Percy, only now he's turned into the Rooster from Rock a Doodle and he's standing out side this itty bitty like motel room type building which is attached to a huge casino and people are wanting it torn down and shouting about how could he want to stay there, with the in the window AC unit when he could stay in a grand hotel etc. and then he just shouts and at this point Gerard Butler sticks out in my mind, something about the fact that he built that place before anything else was in that city, which of course doesn't make sense cause the city was built in the time of his grandpa, based on his age...cause ya know, roosters age like that.

And that's when I woke up.

I would love to hear what Freud thinks of my dream.
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