Worry Rant

Jul 11, 2010 01:26

So...just need to...rant I guess, well not really ranting...worrying yeah...

Long story short? at the tender age of 21 I was diagnoised with Degenerative disc disease...it's what happens naturally as you get old, the discs in your spine break down, causing the vertebra to rub together causing pain...create enough friction and like hitting two rocks together eventually they'd break apart, or fracture.

I had surgery a year and a half ago to remove a few broken off pieces that were pinching the nerves and causing my legs to go numb, ever since then I've still be in unhealthy amounts of pain.

In that time I've been on four different pain medications, and six anti inflammatories. The only meds that work make me unable to function, thus I can't take them because I need to function to work and so on.

In the last two or three months my pain has been much worse than normal, went to the doctor and he had xray's done, took a look at them and suggested another MRI...this is exactly how it happened last time. Xrays lead to MRI...mri leads to seeing the spinal specialist and surgery again. I don't want to go through that again...

If they tell me I need it, I'm going to have a breakdown, and what's worse? If I don't need surgery again, just means I have to find a way to live with this pain.

and I want my mother fucking handicapped parking thing. I don't give a rats ass if I'm only 23. Next old person who comments when I say my back hurts with "Just wait until you're my age." or "You don't even know what real back pain is" is going to hear it from me, by the time I'm 'their age' I'll be in a fucking wheelchair.
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