Stupid stupid Google

Dec 09, 2009 20:44

So I'm not a big poster...and it isn't like I have many friends to read this but I need to rant.

Got the new Verizon Droid phone in the middle of November.

You know the: "In a world that doesn't, Droid does." phone

It's sweet, but it is the first phone I've owned that has access to the internet and apps like gmail.

I didn't have a gmail account when we got the phone, so the worker who set up our phones for us (mind you he was very nice) started me one under my name.

I have been using it an increasing about to reply to people and sent messages when a text just wont do. The only problem is he sent us away while he set up our phones (there were three of us in the family getting phones at the same time), we went to the food court while he did all the loading of pictures and contacts and setting up the phones.

Needless to say he never told me what PASSWORD he used to start my new account. So I can access this gmail only on my phone because it's always logged in.

tried to get ahold of him but he doesn't remember what he used for the password, gave me a few generic ideas like verizon1 but it didn't work.

Can't recover the password because he didn't know the email I ususally use so there is no email that a password or password hint can be sent to registered on the account.

Worse yet, google just denied my recovery claim saying that they couldn't verify that the account belonged to me given the information I provided.

What the hell? I can freaking email you from the account! I just can't log into it on the computer! What exactly do I have to do to prove I'm me?

It asked for the emails of recently sent or received emails to help verify my account.

I listed the five most recently received emails in my inbox.

It wanted the day the account was started, I gave the the exact day, even down to the freaking hour.

And yet they don't think it's me.

And FYI google doesn't have a 1-800 number you can call if you're having trouble with you're account, in any aspect.

Fucking Google.
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