meme tagged

Apr 13, 2010 16:09

I got tagged by meli_29


1. How long have you been on LJ?
errr..i think a year...and a few months XDDD

2. What made you join?
because of fanreports XDDD...i was feeding my curiosity with tegoshi and tegomass..and found out...LJ has a lot nice pictures of them..hihihi

3. What are things you like about livejournal?
the scans and other info about fandom...bwahahaha...

4. What are things you don't like about livejournal?
limited userpics bwahahaha...

5. Have you met someone on LJ, that you eventually met up w/in real life?
yeah i did..katrinasacay and beng-chan...

6. Who do you think is the nicest person on your friends list? Why?
i think all of them are really nice....

7. Do you have close friends here?

8. Have you ever tried to leave, but eventually came back?
hehehehe..i did.....

9. What do you think LJ could improve on?
so far its fine with me..except sometimes it messed up post..XD

10. What are the communities/journals you check the most?
hmm news_jpop ,aramatheydidnt  and japan_now ..hihihi...these are the communities frequent which i am not watching XDD

11. What's your favorite userpic?
i love most of them but i like especially those given to me XDD

12. If you were to run LJ for one day, what would you do?
hmmm..i wouldn't like that...bwahahhaa...but probably like meli remove spam messages

13. Do you think you can live w/out this site?
i think i can...bwahahhaa..i mean i had previous experiences of not checking LJ before..but i dont think i would like that when tegomass tour is coming XDD

14. Did livejournal have any impact to your own life? has both bad and good....bwahhahaa..i met new friends...i got to flail about my favorite boys....and i  read fanfiction..XD

15. Are you happy you joined LJ?
i am

i tagged the following..its up to you if you want to do this or not...bwahhahaa...
katrinasacay - i know you will be tagged by others..wala lang para lang mangulit bwahhhaha
treegonometry - hihii..if she logs to LJ again
iolekei - hihihi
kielbhe - beng-chan...patay na LJ mo...sulatan mo wahehehe
twistedfate213 - XD
mugiwara_shojo - because i know she loves meme XDD


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