katrinasacay ) sent me a link from news_jpop..it's about kisumai debuting this year??? worrying NEWS' no activities since 24HR TV....and it was kinda nostalgic because i went to Cr and accepted a buddy and check out the photos and found some NEWS photos that i haven't seen...
i am not really one of the fans who knew NEWS since they was formed, i only discovered them early 2008 thru TegoMasu...but backtracking some videos..and having watched their PVS, interviews and DVDs and concert videos...i tried to learn about them...to the best of my ability and even dream of watching their concert...i seriously love them together as six...(i mean i was introduced to 6 so i will take it as six..XDD)
and for me i think..the reason they really clicked for me as group because they went to a hardship and learned the value of something until it was gone..they tried so hard...and talent wise...having 3 good singers especially when LIVE , they should be not left in the back....*sighs*.
there's no point in thinking negative things about them..let's be positive that this year...they have more group activities as 6 members...
and again I MISS 6-NIN NEWS...
i think massu's the only one who is looking at the camera
not sure if the picture was group one..but i like the atmosphere...bwahehehe..ai nante vs nantoka group..but tegoshi and yamapi seems to have their own world
they look like a family here XDDD
SOUKON NEWS looking HOT!!!
and lastly...8-NIN NEWS..