"Cant you hear me screaming to the sky..."

Nov 05, 2009 02:45

I just had the best idea ever... THE BEST IDEA!
Imagine this, millions and millions of people plugging in their playstation3s and 360's and ::bam!!!:: they hear the "waaaa-h waaaa-h" opening as some of the best guitar riffs plunge their feeble minds into darkness-- switch to title screen: "GUITAR HERO-JAPAN"
Untapped Market=GOLD.

Now in Japan the soft makers have numerous karaoke games and Konami has games like Guitar Freaks and Beat Mania IIDX. But those games are crazyfuckinhard. Im able to do hard level on Guitar Hero and even the easy level of Guitar Freaks was a bit much for me (didnt practice too much tho). Guitar Hero is a playable recreation game, not nearly as utterly impossible as higher levels of Konami's music games are.
The second biggest market in for video games in the world is in Japan.
Fact=Japanese love video games
Fact=(many)Japanese love rock
Fact=Japanese have some excellent rock bands
Fact=Hardcore jrock fans will buy anything with their band of choice in it
WTF not? Activision can totally put its foot in the door by going to the Japanese market and intruding on Konami if only they can get the rights to some big acts.
Bands of choice include (of course) B'z, X-Japan, Siam Shade, The Brilliant Green, The Back Horn, Blood, Asian Kung-Fu Generation, Dir en Grey, Straightener, etc...etc...etc, Shiina Ringo, L'arc en Ciel, Gazette, Luna Sea, Miyavi, The Pillows, etc, etc...

Now there are some criteria that would need to be followed.
Guitar Hero Japan would need only a minimal release in the US. Even tho the GH franchise has had numerous songs with Spanish and German... and even French, a whole foreign album would only be so popular in the US. Hardcore GH fans and true rock fans would jump at the untapped reservoir a well assembled song list could represent.
They would need to market the f**k out of it in Japan. Get some major bands to plug it. Possibly have bands come on variety shows and have a battle of the bands except the bands are playing guitar hero. They would also need to make heavy concessions to Jp music labels. Its important for a venture to have the best of the best. Japanese rock songs are often pretty long, X-Japan has a song that goes on for 28 minutes. So they need to sacrifice some great songs by keeping under 4-5 min or editing the songs down. Also, many Japanese even have a hard time singing the unintelligible jp lyrics, so a option is instead of having a singer; have an option for guitar, bass, drums and secondary guitar (yes, I know GH can have many guitars, but they play the same melody). Many Japanese bands run two guitars and are more complex in arrangement than stupid, california bands.

Another good point is that many jrock bands sing English in their songs: X-Japan-- Crucify my love, Drain B'z-- Friction, etc... Blood-- I Remember You Brilliant Green: I Never Dreamed ...And many more.
Futhermore, for those willing to sing in Japanese, Romanji on the mic is /not/ that bad of an option!

The reason I thought of it is I just got done playing GH and then started listening to B'z on my computer... blamo-- GH: Japan!

NOBODY steal my idea. I'm going to make a sample cd of stuff I think would work and send it to Activision along with my product plan and as many details as I can think of. If I found you stole my idea I /WILL/ shank you with a rusty butterknife. No joke... I have the butterknife.
Guitar Hero: Van Halen, which I got early in a promotional deal and am currently playing, is fully badass. Aint Talkin Bout Love, Mean Streets, Panama and Jump are crazy fkucing awesome.
Tell me what you think about my plan yo.

best idea--gh japan

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