Title: Holes and Plugs and Cum
Author: Shingo the Pest
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Bones/Jim
Warning: explicit sex, butt plugs
Author's Notes: Written for the
prompt “McCoy challenges Kirk to wear a butt plug while on shift.” This can be considered an independent story, or as a prequel to my first prompt
response. Went through minor revision on 1/7/10
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Now if only you'd write hot pr0n like this for hikago. Damn.
Hikaru would throw a fit because he's darling like that. Did you watch the Hikago vids I put up? They're absolutely hilarious, and since they're done by the seiyuus it almost feels like canon, though Akira's voice actress accidentally goes out of character and calls Hikaru by his given name. XD
I was wondering why she said "Hikaru". I figured they were trying to tease the fans, but if it's because she accidentally went out of character, that make sense too. =) What the hell was Hikaru talking about with his hair????? I was like "what the hell".
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