Sep 28, 2006 00:33
The anxiety I wrote about last night hasn't gone away. I'm just so frustrated and so bitter and so angry about the job hunting process as a whole. I guess maybe I don't really understand it. I know several people who've been called for interviews, while I've been called for none. Its not like the people who've been called have better grades than I do, some do but most don't, so I guess it must be my presentation or something.
I guess today my anger is more directed at the University. Over my four plus years here, I've gone back and forth on whether or not it's really been worth it. Obviously I'm thankful that I came here and met the people I did and had all the fun that I've had. But sometimes I can't help but wonder "what if". All these companies come in here looking for some inflated GPA, which not many Michigan students have. At least not in engineering. What if I had gone somewhere else where the was grade inflation? What if I had gone somewhere with a reputation and academic standing less than that of Michigan? It almost surely would have resulted in me coming away with that magical 3.0 (or better) GPA. It seems as though that's all companies look for. To hell with the academic reputation of this institution, to hell with work experience, they just want that number.
The whole thing leaves me furious with the University for not standing up for its students. I think the University has a responsibility to stand up and fight for its students to have a place to go in industry. They don't. They let companies come in here and cherry pick the top 5-10% and then leave the rest in a scrap heap. They don't tell corporations that many (qualified) students don't have 3.0 GPAs, and that that fact shouldn't be held against them because as the University likes to believe, we're the best of the best. I just don't get it. What's the tangible benefit of paying nearly twice as much for my education to not get a job in the end when I could have gone to State for half the price, half the headache, and twice the job offers? Isn't it the University's responsibility to promote its students and provide ample opportunities for everyone? I don't know, maybe I'm just irrationally angry and bitter over the whole process. Maybe I'm failing at selling myself to these companies. I just don't see how I can sell myself any better than I did this week. If I had the last two days to do all over again, I certainly would have lashed out at recruiters looking for 3.0's or better. I certainly would have sold myself harder. In the end, though, I'm not sure it would have made any difference becaus it's just so hard when you're dead before you even begin.